- DataCollector: cursor pagination
- Log request to API
- DataCollector
- Defaults fields
- getPages param
- Pagination system to cursor pagination
- Transactions and events IDs
- API sortable fields and defaults sorts
- API/Addresses.txBalance
- Block.save() resets address.txBalance to 0 when saves an address
- Change userEvents.updateAddress: if !txBalance update from txs in db
- Add txBalance to getAddress delayedFields
- DataCollector, count records as default was removed,
to enable it, two boolean params were added: count and countOnly.
From now pagination total is null as default. - Added field selection to DataCollector throught 'fields' parameter.
- Add 'count' and 'countOnly" parameters to pagination methods
- The way to get address balance from transactions
- Services/classes/Address.updateTxBalance()
- Services/classes/Block, runs Address.updateTxBalance() on Block.save()
- Tools/wsGet to new API
- Collections indexes
- API/index
- dbPatches
- API/Addresses.getAddress(), query param
- services/Block.deleteBlockDataFromDb
- services/blockChecker, handle promise rejection