PS: Run the below command where the docker-compose.yml file is located
docker-compose up --build -d
docker-compose down
Spark Master Web UI: 8080
Spark Master: 7077
Spark Slave Web UI: 8081 If spark Slave Web UI is not accessible, Do the following:
To check Spark Slave is running, run the below command in Spark-Slave container
systemctl start spark-slave
If spark slave is disabled, then run the below command in the Spark-Slave container
Now, check the spark slave is running in port 8081, 8082
Open the container shell of Spark-Master container, Go to the project folder, by default you will be on project folder, run the below command to submit a spark job
/opt/spark/bin/spark-submit filename
eg: to submit yearly job
You can view the progress in the shell and on the spark web UI, which will be running on port 8080 for spark master and for spark slave on port 8081 and 8082.