我们在为Paparazzi飞控项目添加MavLink协议 长春理工大学 光电工程学院 创新实验室 412
**暂时停止更新,感谢小新和畅畅同学的贡献,愿她们一路顺风。 2013/06/27
aparazzi is an attempt to develop a free software Unmanned (Air) Vehicle System. As of today the system is being used successfuly by a number of hobyists, universities and companies all over the world, on vehicle of various size ( 100g to 25Kg ) and of various nature ( fixed wing, rotorcrafts, boats and surface vehicles).
Up to date information is available in the wiki http://paparazzi.enac.fr
and from the mailing list [[email protected]] (http://savannah.nongnu.org/mail/?group=paparazzi) and the IRC channel (freenode, #paparazzi).
Installation is described in the wiki (http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/Installation).
For Ubuntu users, required packages are available in the [paparazzi-uav PPA] (https://launchpad.net/~paparazzi-uav/+archive/ppa), Debian users can use http://paparazzi.enac.fr/debian
- paparazzi-dev is the meta-package that depends on everything needed to compile and run the ground segment and the simulator.
- paparazzi-arm-multilib ARM cross-compiling toolchain for LPC21 and STM32 based boards.
- paparazzi-omap toolchain for the optional Gumstix Overo module available on lisa/L.
- paparazzi-jsbsim is needed for using JSBSim as flight dynamic model for the simulator.
conf: the configuration directory (airframe, radio, ... descriptions).
data: where to put read-only data (e.g. maps, terrain elevation files, icons)
doc: documentation (diagrams, manual source files, ...)
sw: software (onboard, ground station, simulation, ...)
var: products of compilation, cache for the map tiles, ...
type "make" in the top directory to compile all the libraries and tools.
"./paparazzi" to run the Paparazzi Center
Select the "Microjet" aircraft in the upper-left A/C combo box. Select "sim" from upper-middle "target" combo box. Click "Build". When the compilation is finished, select "Simulation" from the upper-right session combo box and click "Execute".
In the GCS, wait about 10s for the aircraft to be in the "Holding point" navigation block. Switch to the "Takeoff" block (lower-left blue airway button in the strip). Takeoff with the green launch button.
Power the flight controller board while it is connected to the PC with the USB cable.
From the Paparazzi center, select the "ap" target, and click "Upload".
- From the Paparazzi Center, select the flight session and ... do the same than in simulation !
data author content path
2013/05/07 xiaoxin 分析了sw文件夹下的源码,对分析该文件夹 sw/airborne/arch/stm32/ReadMe.txt
2013/05/08 chorushe 分析了框架层的架构和部分代码 NULL
2013/05/08 roubo 确定了代码分析的优先顺序 NULL
2013/05/11 xiaoxin 分析了旋翼机的主循环,熟悉了基本的执行流程 sw/airborne/firmwares/rotorcraft/README
2013/05/13 roubo 分析了周期性任务运作等 NULL
2013/05/16 roubo 地理坐标系paper doc/pprz_geodetic/headfile.pdf
2013/05/16 roubo 代数计算方法paper doc/pprz_algebra/headfile.pdf
2013/05/17 xiaoxin 分析了各种坐标系的相互转换原理 sw/airborne/math
2013/05/17 chorushe 分析了算法函数的代数运算方法 sw/airborne/math
2013/05/24 xiaoxin 分析了imu传感单元的通讯方式 sw/airborne/subsystem/imu/关于Aspirin Imu传感单元通讯方式分析.pdf
2013/06/26 roubo 等待最后的分析