This page is the landing page for the ROS2 release team "ros-misc-utilities".
The following packages are indexed by rosdistro and can be installed with a package manager:
ffmpeg_image_transport: a ROS2 image transport plugin for leveraging ffmpeg for hardware-accelerated image compression.
ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs: messages package for ffmpeg_image_transport.
ffmpeg_image_transport_tools: tools for processing ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs.
ffmpeg_encoder_decoder: wrapper around ffmpeg/libav for video compression. This package is used by the ffmpeg_image_transport and foxglove_compressed_video_transport.
foxglove_compressed_video_transport: a ROS2 image transport plugin for producing Foxglove CompressedVideo messages using ffmpeg.
apriltag_detector: ROS2 packages to detect and visualize Apriltags with the UMich and MIT Apriltag library.
flex_sync: ROS2 package similar to the standard ros message_filters package, but the number of data sources to be synced does not have to be known at compile time.
The following packages have not (yet) been indexed by rosdistro and need to be compiled from source.
- ros_build_scripts: has some simple workflow files for continuous integration testing.
Here are more instructions on how to manage and release the ros-misc-utilities repositories.