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Releases: roovo/obsidian-card-board


25 Feb 11:26
Choose a tag to compare

No new features: I have split out some of the internal workings in preparation
for drag and drop - hopefully managed this without introducing any bugs or
performance issues - eek!


28 Jan 09:00
Choose a tag to compare


  • Due dates can be edited on the board - right click on a card to bring up the context menu.


14 Jan 13:48
Choose a tag to compare


  • Columns can now be re-ordered on the board view using drag and drop


07 Jan 10:39
Choose a tag to compare

New Stuff

  • Select files or directories you wish to ignore when loading tasks into CardBoard. This will come in useful if you have templates which contain tasks that you don't want to see on your boards. It can also speed up load time of the plugin as you can ignore any files or folders you know will never contain any tasks you wish to see on your boards.
  • Choose to use either Local or UTC time in timestamps when marking tasks as complete.
  • Confirmation dialog added for card deletion.
  • Display the year of the task on the card if it is different to the current year.

Bugs fixed

  • The filter definitions selector in settings is now scrollable, fixing an issue where it was not possible to add tag or path filters.
  • CardBoard now respects the Obsidian Appearance settings for Text Font and Font Size.
  • Fixed an issue with some cards loosing their content at midnight.
  • Fixed issues where cards could appear in unexpected columns if a board has an Other Tags column.


30 Dec 19:13
Choose a tag to compare

New Stuff

  • Boards can have a mixture of date and tag based columns.
  • Columns can be re-ordered (by dragging them on the settings pane).
  • More flexible date based columns based on relative dates.


19 Nov 13:41
Choose a tag to compare


Ability to use css snippets to add highlight colors to cards based on tags

Also added info to the README on how to override the due-date based highlight colors.



18 Nov 12:02
Choose a tag to compare


  • Board reordering
    • drag and drop tab headers or board names in the settings dialog
  • Improved styling of tab headers (consistent with obsidian)


04 Feb 16:28
Choose a tag to compare


  • Added a Global Setting to disable using daily note dates as the due date for tasks.
  • You can now add @due(none) to a task line if you want to turn off using the daily note date as the due date for a specific task on a daily note page.


  • Fixed issue where cards would display with no text on them if you split the CardBoard window to the right or down.


30 Jan 18:49
Choose a tag to compare

To ensure that columns don't move about in the view when collapsing and un-collapsing columns, I have had to fix the width of the columns on the board. If you don't like the width I have chosen you can change it using a css snippet - see towards the end of the README.


  • Columns are now collapsible.


15 Jan 11:12
Choose a tag to compare

There are changes in this release that may change the behavior of your boards as there were some spurious edge cases I needed to fix. These led to odd behavior such as cards vanishing from a board when being marked as complete and some changes on what appeared on a card depending on which column it was in. I am hoping that the new behavior is an improvement! It is more consistent and is needed in order to start working on drag and drop.


  • Supports all valid CommonMark unordered list markers (-, +, *) -> thank you @MattiasMartens :)
  • Option to choose whether to apply tag filters to top level tasks, sub-tasks, or both.


  • Sub-task tags now shown inline rather than at the top of the card.
  • Edge cases where cards could disappear from boards when marked as complete or would look different depending on which column they were in fixed.