It's the sales order & payment data real time ingestion.
pip3 install google-cloud-pubsub pip3 install cassandra-driver
docker compose -f docker-compose-cassandra.yml up -d
- Once cassandra container started, open the terminal of docker container
- type cqlsh on terminal
- cqlsh shell will be opened and now cassandra related commands can be executed
CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS ecom_store WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };
CREATE TABLE ecom_store.orders_payments_facts ( order_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, customer_id BIGINT, item TEXT, quantity BIGINT, price DOUBLE, shipping_address TEXT, order_status TEXT, creation_date TEXT, payment_id BIGINT, payment_method TEXT, card_last_four TEXT, payment_status TEXT, payment_datetime TEXT );