Debug and Logging using PSCallTrace Module Hey Guys,
I am very new to Reddit, so this is my first real post Contributing to the Community.
What this Module Does.
It allows a user to Hook into Native PowerShell Functions, and grab debug information. This information can be a number of things.
How what its Message is Example: Write-Host
Its Module Information
Where it was executed. Line/File/Module
What Information / Data was given to it as Arguments and what arguments was actually passed to it.
Time of Execution / the Number of Ticks it took to complete.
Why is this cool?
It allows you to quickly log information for debugging purposes. As well as a single location so you can dump log data to a file.
Where Can I get it?
Currently its on the PowerShellGallery so you can get it by running
Install-Module -Name PSCallTrace
or by Accessing it from the Gallery itself
Can you show me what it looks like?
PSCallTrace Example Output
Help I'm stuck, what functions are there?
Get-PSCallTrace Displays the output of all of the TraceData that has been accumulated.
New-PSCallTraceHook hooks an existing PowerShell function in this session in order to properly generate callback data.
Invoke-PSCallTrace generates debug information, and loads it into the PSCallTrace object.
There's some examples in the Get-Help, as well as -Examples
I look forward to hearing what you guys think about this! And hopefully potentially new features.