This repository shows an example gRPC service contains set of methods to demonstrate basic RPC as well as server, client and bidirection streaming RPC's.
The server exposes a gRPC API as well as a compatible REStful API using the grpc-gateway. Note, the RESTful API is not compatible with streaming RPC's and will only work on basic RPC calls.
A sample command line client is also provided to enable the sending of gRPC requests to the server.
- go 1.12+
- protoc 3.0.0+
To build the executables pingserver
and pingclient
run the following commands
go build ./cmd/...
Running the below command will start a gRPC server listening on localhost:8080
and a HTTP server listening on http://localhost:8081
With the above running, you can then connect to the server using the pingclient
cli tool. The below commands invoke their corresponding methods on the server and log the responses.
pingclient ping
> 2019/09/15 14:56:46 Sending Ping Request:
> 2019/09/15 14:56:46 Received Ping Response: Pong
pingclient pingstream 3
> 2019/09/15 14:58:15 Sending PingStream Request: Ping ... 1
> 2019/09/15 14:58:15 Sending PingStream Request: Ping ... 2
> 2019/09/15 14:58:15 Sending PingStream Request: Ping ... 3
> 2019/09/15 14:58:15 Received PingStream Response: 3
pingclient pongstream 3
> 2019/09/15 14:59:11 Sending PongStream Request: 3
> 2019/09/15 14:59:11 Received PongStream Response: Pong ... 1
> 2019/09/15 14:59:11 Received PongStream Response: Pong ... 2
> 2019/09/15 14:59:11 Received PongStream Response: Pong ... 3
pingclient pingpongstream 3
> 2019/09/15 14:59:54 Sending PingPongStream Request: Ping ... 1
> 2019/09/15 14:59:54 Sending PingPongStream Request: Ping ... 2
> 2019/09/15 14:59:54 Sending PingPongStream Request: Ping ... 3
> 2019/09/15 14:59:54 Received PingPongStream Response: Pong ... 1
> 2019/09/15 14:59:54 Received PingPongStream Response: Pong ... 2
> 2019/09/15 14:59:54 Received PingPongStream Response: Pong ... 3
curl http://localhost:8081/v1/ping
To generate the golang protobuf definitions contained in pkg/pingv1/ping_api.pb.go
protoc -I $PATH_TO_GOOGLEAPIS -I api/proto/ api/proto/ping_api.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:pkg/pingv1
To generate reverse proxy allowing translation from gRPC to REST contained in pkg/pingv1/
protoc -I $PATH_TO_GOOGLEAPIS -I api/proto/ api/proto/ping_api.proto --grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:pkg/pingv1
To generate swagger definitions matching the RESTful API contained in api/rest/ping_api.swagger.json
protoc -I $PATH_TO_GOOGLEAPIS -I api/proto/ api/proto/ping_api.proto --swagger_out=logtostderr=true:api/rest