- https://music-transfer.herokuapp.com
- Objective of this project is to allow users to transfer/share songs between Spotify Accounts easily
- In the server directory configure the .env.example file with your client_id and client_secret
- Make sure you don't have quotes around your client_id and client_secret
- Rename the .env.example file to .env
- Change the REDIRECT_URI in spotifyAPI.js file in the constants folder to "http://localhost:5433/spotify/callback/${accType}"
- Change CLIENT_BASE_URL to "http://localhost:3000"
- Open a terminal of choice
- Change directories into the project directory then into the 'server' directory
- Type 'npm run dev'
- Change BASE_URL in the strings.js file in the constants folder "http://localhost:5433"
- Open a terminal of choice
- Change directories into the project directory then into the 'client' directory
- Type 'npm start'