Configure your local .env file accordingly with the example file: .env.example
Generate your api-token [here](
See further at [official Atlassian docs](
- CSV format:
- Example below:
STARS-1780;30m;Daily - Sprint 34;09:00:00;2023-11-07;CommonHour;Rituals;CAPEX_STARS
STARS-1743;2h;Technical Refinement of Intentional Architecture;10:00:00;2023-11-08;CommonHour;RitosRituals;CAPEX_STARS
STARS-1778;150m;Meetings, Tech Support - Sprint 34;14:30:00;2023-11-08;HoraComum;Others;CAPEX_STARS
GOAT-11;1h;Architecture - App integration;17:30:00;2023-11-09;HoraComum;Others;CAPEX_GOAT
There's an unsolved bug with partial timing, like 1h30m. So, the .csv works with full slots, such as 150m or 5h.
- Current day:
tsc; node ./src/index.js
- Specific day:
tsc; node ./src/index.js 2023-09-29