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File Downloading

Robert S.W. Carroll edited this page May 20, 2022 · 2 revisions

The .from_quickbase() QBFile method can be used to download files from QuickBase. It takes the following parameters:

client: QBClient,
table: str,
rid: int,
fid: int,
version: int

The from_quickbase() method returns a QBFile() object. At this point, you can call the .save() method on the QBFile() object. The .save() method takes one argument, path='path/to/save.pdf.

The workflow for downloading files from QB might look something like this:

qbc = QBClient(...)
f = QBFile().from_quickbase(qbc, table='xyz8923z', rid=2, fid=36, version=66)'temp/test.pdf')

It's important to remember to pass a valid client to the method, as the client contains the authentication and access information the .from_quickbase() method needs.

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