A ROS package for battery simulation
To install this package enter your catkin workspace, clone this repository and compile the workspace
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/AlexanderSilvaB/battery_simulator.git
cd ..
Only one line is required to use the package
<node pkg="battery_simulator" type="battery" name="battery"/>
You can also set the parameters of the node to match your project specifications, e.g.
<node pkg="battery_simulator" type="battery" name="battery">
<param name="discharge_model" value="invert" />
There are two examples available in launch directory:
- fast: A hypotetical battery that can charge and recharge really fast, usefull to test the package. This exemplo also launchs a plot (rqt_multiplot needed).
- p3dx: This example creates a node that simulates the Pioneer 3-DX with the three batteries connected.
To run any example is is only needed to launch the example files from your catkin workspace.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch battery_simulator fast.launch
roslaunch battery_simulator p3dx.launch
At every second the battery node publishes to three topics related to the battery, being them:
- power: The battery power
- voltage: The voltage of the battery
- percent: The voltage of the battery as a percent value (0-100)
- recharging: A boolean indicating if the battery is recharging
The node also subscribes to the following topics:
- recharge: Expects a boolean to control the recharge of the battery (the current provided by the charger is configured in the node parameters)
- ~discharge_model (string, default: exponential)
- The discharge model of the battery, it can be exponential, linear and invert
- ~max_voltage (float, default: 12.5V)
- The maximum voltage in the battery
- ~min_voltage (float, default: 11.5V)
- The minimum voltage in the battery
- ~base_voltage (float, default: 12.0V)
- The base voltage of the battery (used for power calculus)
- ~initial_percent (int, default: 100%)
- This is the percent of charge of the battery at launch time
- ~discharge_current (int, default: 7000mAh)
- The maximum current the battery can provide to the robot
- ~recharge_current (int, default: 2400mAh)
- The maximum current the charger can provide to the battery
- ~base_power_consumption (int, default: 200mAh)
- The average current used by the robot when it is not moving (motors disabled)
- ~motors_power_consumption (int, default: 5000mAh)
- The average current used by the robot when it is moving (motors enabled)
- ~num_batteries (int, default: 1)
- This is the number os batteries the robot have. The maximum current the robot can use is the discharge_current multiplied by the number of batteries.
- ~cmd_vel_topic (string, default: /cmd_vel)
- This is the topic that the node will subscribe to get the robot velocity and calculates the power consumption.
- ~verbose (bool, default: false)
- When setted to true, the node will show the battery status at every second.
- Better models for the battery