A Node wrapper for sending Gogo commands to an OSGi environment
$ npm install --save gogo-shell
Note: a Gogo shell must be running before invoking the connect method, otherwise a connection error will be thrown.
var GogoShell = require('gogo-shell');
var gogoShell = new GogoShell();
var config = {
port: 11311
.then(function() {
return gogoShell.sendCommand('lb');
.then(function(data) {
// Do something with response data
GogoShell is an instance of net.Socket and inherits all it's properties, methods, and events.
Type: object
The GogoShell
constructor can also be passed the same configuration options as the net.Socket constructor.
type: boolean
If set to true, prints all commands sent to the server, and all response data from the server to stdout.
var GogoShell = require('gogo-shell');
var gogoShell = new GogoShell({
debug: true
Connects to a TCP server which allows you to send Gogo commands to an OSGi environment. Returns a Promise which resolves when the server is ready to receive commands.
Type: object
Type: string
Type: number
Required: true
See socket.connect method for other options and their default values.
var GogoShell = require('gogo-shell');
var gogoShell = new GogoShell();
var config = {
port: 11311
.then(function() {
// gogoShell.sendCommand(...);
Returns Promise that resolves with array of available commands, or object literal containing information on specified command.
Type: string
The Gogo command to retieve help info for.
.then(function(data) {
// data = array of available commands
.then(function(data) {
// data = object literal containing api information for specified command
Sends Gogo command to an OSGi environment. Returns a Promise that resolves with the response data.
Type: string
The Gogo command that will be sent to the OSGi environment.
Type: string
Additional parameters, flags, and options that will be joined with the command argument.
gogoShell.sendCommand('lb', '-s')
.then(function(data) {
// data = list of installed bundles with symbolic name
Chaining commands.
var GogoShell = require('gogo-shell');
var gogoShell = new GogoShell();
var config = {
port: 11311
.then(function() {
return gogoShell.sendCommand('lb');
.then(function(data) {
// data = response from 'lb'
return gogoShell.sendCommand('another command');
.then(function(data) {
// data = response from 'another command'
// Using socket.end for closing connection, otherwise Node process wouldn't end