Code Snapshot
is a VS Code extension that tries to make your life easier. When you are coding, you may want to take a photo of your work to share it in your social media or presentations. Code Snapshot
is your tool! Open the extension, select the code that you want to share and take beautiful screenshots of your code.
- Save screenshots of your code
- Open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows and Linux, Cmd+Shift+P on OS X) and search for
Code Snapshot
. - Select the code you'd like to screenshot.
- Adjust the width of the screenshot if desired.
- Click the shutter button to save the screenshot.
- You can also start
Code Snapshot
by selecting the code, click on the right button, and selectingCode Snapshot
The source for this extension is available on github. Contributions are extremely welcome! If anyone feels that there is something missing or would like to suggest improvements please open a new issue or send a pull request!
Anatolii Saienko (@tsayen) for his work on DOM to image, a library which can turn arbitrary DOM node into a vector (SVG) or raster (PNG or JPEG) image, written in JavaScrip
Eli Grey (@eligrey) for FileSaver, a solution to saving files on the client-side
Artem (@komarovartem) for colorPicker, a simple JavaScript colorpicker which supports transparency and gradient.