This is a native Android app for using the FOSDEM schedule offline. It is available in the Google Play Store.
- View the different sessions by day and tracks
- Room plans
- Favorites and notifications
- Search
- Share a session with your social network
This application uses ActionBarSherlock to provide the action bar for older Android versions.
Another dependency is the library StickyListHeaders which helps adding nice list headers.
The project needs the android-support-v4.jar to build. If your Eclipse doesn't find it on its own, you have to specify its path (it resides in your Android SDK folder as extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar) in the project settings > Java Build Path > Libraries (via "Add External JARs").
ActionBarSherlock and StickyListHeaders are added as git submodules. To fetch their content after cloning the repository, just execute:
git pull && git submodule init && git submodule update && git submodule status
- Implementation with Fragments and Tablet UI
- Completely revised Holo-ified UI and new FOSDEM logo
- Fixed to work with new HTTPS URL
- Added fallback room images from 2012 because the room image download is currently not available.
- Minor updates and points towards 2011 edition
- Issue with notifications/background service solved. Thx to Christopher Orr.
- Michaël Uyttersprot
- Pieter Iserbyt
- Christophe Vandeplas
- Christopher Orr
- Raphael Kallensee