compilation of all lab exercises cmsc 105
Objective: To integrate all previously created simulation and/or (run-through) statistical procedures that can be called under one application program presented to the user as main menu.
Instructions: Log-in to your student account in the UPCEBU domain. Name your program file as MiniProject.??? (with file extension depending on type of file your creating - ‘.EXE’ for executable file and ‘.C’ or ‘.java’ for source code file). Submit both executable and source (code) file in your student account folder.
Mini-Project: Write a program, either in C- or Java programming language, which creates a main menu system that calls the different application programs developed in the previous exercises. Call the system: 3SC Mini-Package (for Simulating Some Statistical Concepts). The following requirements must be met:
Opening display/screen that describes briefly the contents of 3SC Mini-package upon program execution.
After pressing ENTER key (to continue), program displays the main menu where the default menu choice is ‘Quit’ the program.
If other than pressing ENTER (to quit program), then program waits for user to input a menu choice.
If user input is
4.1. other than what is specified in the menu choice, program informs user of erroneous choice - Error handling;
4.2. otherwise, program calls/executes the application program corresponding to the menu choice.
- After execution of called program (or terminated), program control returns to main menu.