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Automated Multi-Cloud Application Deployment using terraform. The inter-connectivity between the public clouds is preformed using Site-To-Site VPN using terraform as code. The application is deployed in the Kubernetes cluster managed by Google Kubernetes Engine provisioned and configured with the help of terraform. The Database Server is hosted …

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Multi-Cloud Application Deployment (GCP and AWS)

The project is utilises resources hosted in two public Clouds i.e; Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Public Cloud.The application is deployed in Kubernetes cluster managed by Google Kubernetes Engine provisioned and configured with the help of terraform. The Database Server is hosted in AWS Public cloud. The inter-connectivity between the public clouds is preformed using Site-To-Site VPN.

Project Flow

Fig 1.: Project Architecture

Scope of Project

  1. Configure custom Virtual Private Networks in Google and AWS Cloud
  2. Configure Site-to-Site VPN between both the clouds
  3. Create Kubernetes Cluster using GKE
  4. Create Database EC2 Instance in Amazon Private Network
  5. Create Bastion Host in AWS Cloud
  6. Configure Database Server
  7. Deploy Application on Kubernetes Cluster



  • awscli
  • terraform


  • AWS Cloud admin user account
  • Google Cloud admin user account

Recommended Controller Node Operating System:

Redhat Enterprise Linux 8

IAM User in AWS Account

  1. Login using root account into AWS Console
  2. Go to IAM Service

Fig 2.: IAM User creation

  1. Click on User
  2. Add User
  3. Enable Access type Programmatic Access

Fig 3.: Add new User

  1. Attach Policies to the account For now, you can click on Attach existing policies directly and attach Administrator Access

Fig 4.: IAM User policies

  1. Copy Access and Secret Key Credentials

Configure the AWS Profile in Controller Node

The best and secure way to configure AWS Secret and Access Key is by using aws cli on the controller node

aws configure --profile <profile_name>

Fig 5.: Configure AWS Profile

Google Cloud Project

The project resource is created manually since creation of Organisation in Google Cloud Platform is out of the scope of project. The project resource can only be created using resource manager API when the Organisation is already defined in the GCP.

  1. Login into GCP using Admin credentials
  2. Click on Select a Project

Fig 6.: Create Project in GCP

  1. Enter the project details

Fig 7.: Project detais in GCP

Resource Manager API in Google Cloud

The resource manager api is to be enabled to create the resource in Google Cloud Platform.

  1. Click on top left menu button and Select Library in API and Services

Fig 8.: API Library

  1. Search for string "resource"
  2. Enable Cloud Resource Manager API

Fig 9.: Cloud Resource API

Service Account in GCP

Creating a service account is similar to adding a member to your project, but the service account belongs to the applications rather than an individual end user. The project utilises the service account credentials to provision resources in the cloud platform.

  1. Select Service Accounts from IAM & Admin in the Menu

Fig 10.: Service Account

2 Enter the service account details

Fig 11.: Service Account Details

  1. Grant Privileges to the Service Account

Fig 12.: Service Account Privileges

  1. Then, click on Continue
  2. Click Create

List Service Acounts

Fig 13.: Service Account

  1. Create New Access Key

Fig 14.: Generate Service Account Access Key

  1. Select the Key Type and click on Create

The recommended key format is JSON. It will download the service_account access key, which will be used to provision resources in GCP provider in terraform.

Fig 15.: Download Access Key

Initalising Terraform in workspace Directory

terraform init 

Fig 16.: Initialisng Terraform

Each Task is distributed into modules and located in automation_scripts/modules directory i.e

  • AWS Infrastructure
  • Database Server in AWS
  • AWS Bastion Host
  • Database Server Configuration
  • Kubernetes Cluster in GCP using GKE
  • Application Deployment
  • Site-to-Site VPN

The static variables used in parent module are passed using terraform.tfvars file.

Terraform loads variables in the following order, with later sources taking precedence over earlier ones:

  • Environment variables
  • The terraform.tfvars file, if present.
  • The terraform.tfvars.json file, if present.
  • Any *.auto.tfvars or *.auto.tfvars.json files, processed in lexical order of their filenames.
  • Any -var and -var-file options on the command line, in the order they are provided. (This includes variables set by a Terraform Cloud workspace.)

Module : aws_network

The module provisions the custom virtual private network along with public and private subnets in Amazon Public Cloud. The module creates multiple resources suchh as elastic IP, nat gateway, internet gateway, subnets and vpc in AWS Cloud. The HCL code to invoke module is as follows:

module "aws_cloud" {
    source = "./modules/aws_network"
    vpc_cidr_block = var.aws_vpc_cidr_block


vpc_cidr_block => Variable defined inside the module for VPC CIDR Block

aws_vpc_cidr_block => Variable defined at parent level to provide the input to module

Amazon VPC

The Virtual Private Network in which the database server and the Bastion Host will be launched is created with the help of followig HCL code

## Backend Database Network
resource "aws_vpc" "backend_network" {
    cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_block
    tags       = {
            Name = "Backend-Network"


cidr_block => VPC CIDR block

Fig 17.: AWS VPC

Terraform Validate to check for any syntax errors in Terraform Configuration file

terraform validate

Fig 18.: Terraform Validate

AWS Public and Private Subnets

In public subnet, the instances launched can be accessed from outside the aws VPC network whereas, the instances launched in private subnet cannnot be accessed from outside vpc network. The project creates public and private subnets in each available availability zone. Instances launched in public subnets are defined to be assigned public IP automatically. The HCL code for priate subnets is shown below similiarly the public subnets can also be created.

## Private Subnets
resource "aws_subnet" "private_subnets" {
    count              = length(data.aws_availability_zones.available_zones.names)
    cidr_block         = cidrsubnet(var.vpc_cidr_block,8,"${10+count.index}")
    vpc_id             =
    availability_zone  = element(data.aws_availability_zones.available_zones.names,count.index)
    tags  = {
        Name  = "Private Subnet - ${element(data.aws_availability_zones.available_zones.names,count.index)}"

    depends_on = [


length() => calculate the number of available Availability Zones

cidrsubnet() => Calculates the Subnet CIDRs dynamically in VPC CIDR block

element() => element retrieves a single element from a list i.e; element(list, index)

Function: cidrsubnet

Terraform provides handy function called cidrsubnet which is able to calculate subnet address within the given IP network address space.

cidrsubnet(iprange, newbits, netnum) where:

iprange = CIDR of the virtual network
newbits = the difference between subnet mask and network mask
    *27 - 23 = 4*
netnum = practically the subnet index
    0 =
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =

Fig 19.: Plan: Public and Private Subnets

NAT Gateway and Internet Gateway

An Internet Gateway is a logical connection between an Amazon VPC and the Internet. It is not a physical device. Only one can be associated with each VPC. It does not limit the bandwidth of Internet connectivity.

## Internet Gateway
resource "aws_internet_gateway" "application_igw" {
    vpc_id =
    tags   = {
        Name = "Backend-IGW"
    depends_on = [

Instances in a private subnet that want to access the Internet can have their Internet-bound traffic forwarded to the NAT gateway via a Route Table configuration. The NAT gateway will then make the request to the Internet (since it is in a Public Subnet) and the response will be forwarded back to the private instance.

## Nat Gateway
resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat_gw" {
    allocation_id =
    subnet_id     =

    depends_on = [


allocation_id => The Id of the Elastic IP resource

subnet_id => Public Subnet ID

Fig 20.: Plan: NAT Gateway

Public and Private Route Table

The private route table is associated with the private subnets which enables the private subnets to interact with the internet. The public subnets are associated with the public subnets that enables the inbound and outbound traffic from the subnet.

# Public Route Table
resource "aws_route_table" "public_route_table" {
    vpc_id =
    route {
        cidr_block = ""
        gateway_id =
    tags = {
        Name = "public_route_table"

    depends_on = [

## Private Route Table
resource "aws_route_table" "private_route_table" {
    vpc_id =
    route {
        cidr_block = ""
        gateway_id =
    tags = {
        Name = "private_route_table"
    depends_on = [

Fig 21.: Plan: Route Tables

Module : db_server

The module launches the Database Server instance in Private Subnet. The HCL Code for the module invocation is as follows :

module "database_server" {
   source             = "./modules/db_server"
   vpc_id             = module.aws_cloud.vpc_id
   vpc_cidr_block     = var.aws_vpc_cidr_block
   gcp_network_cidrs  = [var.gcp_subnet_cidr,var.gcp_pods_network_cidr,var.gcp_services_network_cidr]
   ami_id             = var.aws_db_ami_id
   instance_type      = var.aws_db_instance_type
   db_port            = var.aws_mongo_db_server_port
   private_subnet_id  = module.aws_cloud.private_subnets[0]
   key_name           = var.aws_db_key_name


aws_vpc_cidr_block => VPC CIDR Block to enable SSH from instances in network

gcp_network_cidrs => Allow Database Server port to be accessed by GCP cloud resources

Create Key Pair

The Public-private Key is generated using tls_private_key resource and uploaded to the AWS using aws_key_pair. The SSH login Key is stored in automation_scripts directory.

Fig 22.: Plan: SSH Key Generation

HCL Code to create Instance Key-Pair

#Creating AWS Key Pair for EC2 Instance Login
resource "aws_key_pair" "upload_db_instance_key" {
        key_name   = var.key_name
        public_key = tls_private_key.db_instance_key.public_key_openssh
        depends_on = [

Fig 23.: Plan: Create Key Pair

Create Security Groups

The SSH access and Database Server Port Access is allowed to database server instance from VPC Network and GCP Cloud Network respectively.

resource "aws_security_group" "db_server_security_group" {
       name = "allow_ssh_mysql_access"
       description = "Mysql Server Access from GCP and SSH from VPC Network"
       vpc_id     = var.vpc_id
       ingress {
               protocol    = "tcp"
               from_port   = 22
               to_port     = 22
               cidr_blocks = [var.vpc_cidr_block]
               description = "SSH Access"
       ingress {
               protocol    = "tcp"
               from_port   = var.db_port
               to_port     =   var.db_port
               cidr_blocks = var.gcp_network_cidrs
               description = "Mysql Server Access from GCP Cloud "
       egress {
               protocol    = -1
               from_port   = 0
               to_port     = 0
               cidr_blocks = [""]
       tags = {
               Name = "Database SG"

Launch Database Server instance

We are going to launch the Database Server EC2 instance with the Key and security group generated above. For now, we will be using the RedHat Enterprise Linux 8.2 i.e ami-08369715d30b3f58f. The Official Redhat Enterprise Linux AMI Ids can be found out using the aws cli as below

aws ec2 describe-images --owners 309956199498 \
--query 'sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[*].[CreationDate,Name,ImageId]' \
--filters "Name=name,Values=RHEL-8*" --region ap-southeast-1 --output table --profile aws_terraform_user

The HCL Code for EC2 instance resource is as shown below:

#Creating EC2 instance for Database Server
resource "aws_instance" "db_server" {
        ami                    = var.ami_id
        instance_type          = var.instance_type
        subnet_id              = var.private_subnet_id
        vpc_security_group_ids = []
        key_name               = aws_key_pair.upload_db_instance_key.key_name
        tags = {
                Name = "db-server"
        depends_on = [

Fig 24.: Plan: Launching EC2 instance

Module : aws_bastion_host

The module creates the ec2 instance as Bastion host to interact with the database server launched in the private subnet. The resources are created similiar to the database server. The HCL code to call module is as follows:

module "aws_bastion_host" {
  source                             = "./modules/aws_bastion_host"
  vpc_id                             = module.aws_cloud.vpc_id
  bastion_ami_id                     = var.aws_bastion_ami_id
  bastion_instance_type              = var.aws_bastion_instance_type
  public_subnet_id                   = module.aws_cloud.public_subnets[0]
  key_name                           = var.aws_bastion_key_name

Module : db_configure

The module uploads the mongo database configuration playbook to the bastion host and configures the mongo database on EC2 instance launched in the private subnet.

module "db_server_configure" {
  source                             = "./modules/db_configure"
  connection_user                    = var.aws_bastion_connection_user
  db_connection_user                 = var.aws_db_server_connection_user
  connection_type                    = var.aws_connection_type
  bastion_host_public_ip             = module.aws_bastion_host.public_ip
  bastion_host_key_name              = module.aws_bastion_host.key_name
  db_server_private_ip               = module.database_server.db_private_ip
  db_instance_key_name               = module.database_server.key_name
  mongo_db_root_username             = var.aws_mongo_db_root_username
  mongo_db_root_password             = var.aws_mongo_db_root_password
  mongo_db_server_port               = var.aws_mongo_db_server_port
  mongo_db_data_path                 = var.aws_mongo_db_data_path
  mongo_db_application_username      = var.aws_mongo_db_application_username
  mongo_db_application_user_password = var.aws_mongo_db_application_user_password
  mongo_db_application_db_name       = var.aws_mongo_db_application_db_name

Upload Playbook and DB instance Key

The playbook is uploaded from the controller node to the Bastion Host and the ansible-playbook is remotely executed on the bastion host to configure the Mongo Database server on database instance launched in private subnet. The file provisioner is used to upload the playbook and the database instance private key to the bastion host

resource "null_resource" "upload_db_playbook"{
        provisioner "file" {
                source = "db_configuration_scripts"
                destination = "/tmp/"
                connection {
                        type        = var.connection_type
                        user        = var.connection_user
                        private_key = file(var.bastion_host_key_name)
                        host        = var.bastion_host_public_ip

Playbook execution for Database Confirguration

The playbook is exeuted in the bastion host to install and configure the database server on EC2 instance launched in private subnet.

resource  "null_resource" "mongo_db_configure"{
    depends_on = [
        type = var.connection_type
        host = var.bastion_host_public_ip
        user  = var.connection_user
        private_key = file(var.bastion_host_key_name)
    provisioner remote-exec {
        inline =[
            "sudo dnf install -y",
            "sudo dnf install ansible -y",
            "sudo ansible-playbook -u ${var.db_connection_user} -i ${var.db_server_private_ip}, --private-key /tmp/${var.db_instance_key_name} /tmp/db_configuration_scripts/db_server.yml  -e mongo_db_root_username=${var.mongo_db_root_username} -e mongo_db_root_password=${var.mongo_db_root_password} -e mongo_db_server_port=${var.mongo_db_server_port} -e mongo_db_data_path=${var.mongo_db_data_path} -e application_username=${var.mongo_db_application_username} -e application_user_password=${var.mongo_db_application_user_password} -e application_db_name=${var.mongo_db_application_db_name}  --ssh-extra-args=\"-o stricthostkeychecking=no\""

Module : gcp

The module is responsible to configure custom network, subnets, vpn tunnels and provision Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster in Google Cloud Platform.

module "gcp_cloud" {
    source                 = "./modules/gcp"
    subnet_cidr            = var.gcp_subnet_cidr
    pods_network_cidr      = var.gcp_pods_network_cidr
    services_network_cidr  = var.gcp_services_network_cidr
    network_name           = var.gcp_network_name
    cluster_name           = var.gcp_cluster_name
    cluster_zone           = var.gcp_cluster_zone
    load_balancing_state   = var.gcp_load_balancing_state
    node_count             = var.gcp_node_count
    node_disk_size         = var.gcp_node_disk_size
    node_preemptible_state = var.gcp_node_preemptible_state
    node_machine_type      = var.gcp_node_machine_type
    pod_scaling_state      = var.gcp_pod_scaling_state
    node_pool_name         = var.gcp_node_pool_name

Enable Google Cloud APIs

The Google Cloud APIs for Compute Engine and Kubernetes Engine are required to luanch the respective resources. The HCL is code as follows:

resource "google_project_service" "gke_api_enable" {
    service             = ""
    disable_on_destroy  = false
resource "google_project_service" "compute_engine_api_enable" {
    service             = ""
    disable_on_destroy  = false

Fig 25.: Google Cloud API Enable

Google Cloud Network and Subnets

The custom network resource in Google Cloud is created. In GCP, the zones and subnets are defined differently as compared to the AWS Cloud. In AWS Cloud a subnet can resides only in one Availability zone whereas in GCP, the subnets can span in multiple_zones.

HCL code to create Virtual network in GCP

## VPC Network
resource "google_compute_network" "app_network" {
    name                    = "${var.network_name}-vpc"
    auto_create_subnetworks = false

Fig 26.: Google Cloud Network

HCL code to create custom subnets in Network

## Create Subnets
resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "app_subnet" {
    name          = "${var.network_name}-subnet"
    ip_cidr_range = var.subnet_cidr
    network       = "${var.network_name}-vpc"
    depends_on    = [

Fig 27.: Google Cloud Subnets

Firewall Rules

The firewall rule to allow ssh into the instances launched in the GCP subnet.

## Firewall Rule for SSH
resource "google_compute_firewall" "ssh_access" {
    name         = "ssh-firewall"
    network      =
    allow {
        protocol = "tcp"
        ports    = ["22"]
    source_ranges = [""]
    depends_on    = [

Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a management and orchestration system for Docker container and container clusters that run within Google's public cloud services. Google Kubernetes Engine is based on Kubernetes, Google's open source container management system.

There are two types of GKE clusters in Google Cloud based on networking i.e;

  • Legacy Routing Clusters
  • VPC-native Clusters

In Legacy clusters, the kubernetes Pods and services are in abstraction from outside network whereas, in VPC-native clusters the pods and services networks works as secondary network ranges to the VPC or Google Cloud network. The VPC cluster enables the pods to connect with outside network without any extra configurations in cluster.

The GKE cluster can be of two types based on location i.e;

  • Zonal Clusters
  • Regional Clusters

A zonal cluster, the cluster master along with the worker nodes are only present in a single zone. In contrast, in a regional cluster, cluster master nodes are present in multiple zones in the region. For that reason, regional clusters should be preferred.

The project provisions Regional VPC-native GKE cluster. In the current cluster, the password based authentication is disabled, only token based authentication is supported. In GKE cluster, worker nodes are launched inside the node_pools. HCL code for GKE cluster provisioning is as follows:

resource "google_container_cluster" "kubernetes_cluster" {
    name = var.cluster_name
    location = var.cluster_zone
    master_auth {
        username  = ""
        password  = ""
        client_certificate_config {
            issue_client_certificate = false
    ip_allocation_policy {
        cluster_ipv4_cidr_block = var.pods_network_cidr
        services_ipv4_cidr_block = var.services_network_cidr
    remove_default_node_pool = true
    initial_node_count = var.node_count
    network =
    subnetwork =
    addons_config {
        http_load_balancing {
            disabled = var.load_balancing_state
        horizontal_pod_autoscaling {
            disabled = var.pod_scaling_state

Fig 28.: Google Kubernetes Cluster

Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Node Pool

The worker nodes are launched in google kubernetes engine node pools. HCL Code is as following:

resource "google_container_node_pool" "kubernetes_node_pool"{
    name = var.node_pool_name
    location = var.cluster_zone
    cluster =
    node_count = var.node_count
    node_config {
        preemptible = var.node_preemptible_state
        metadata = {
            disable-legacy-endpoints = "true"
        disk_size_gb = var.node_disk_size
        machine_type = var.node_machine_type
        oauth_scopes = [

Fig 29.: Google Kubernetes Cluster Node Pool

Module : vpn

The module enables the private connectivity between the resources provisioned in Google and Amazon public clouds using Site-to-Site VPN.

module "gcp_aws_vpn" {
    source = "./modules/vpn"
    aws_vpc_id = module.aws_cloud.vpc_id
    aws_route_table_ids = [module.aws_cloud.public_route_table_id, module.aws_cloud.private_route_table_id]
    gcp_network_id = module.gcp_cloud.network_id

AWS VPN Resources

A Site-to-Site VPN connection offers two VPN tunnels between a virtual private gateway or a transit gateway on the AWS side, and a customer gateway (which represents a VPN device) on the remote (Google Cloud) side. For Site-to-Site VPN Connection we require virtual private gateway, customer gateway and at last vpn tunnel resource on AWS side.

Fig 30.: AWS VPN Overview

Virtual Private Gateway

A virtual private gateway is the VPN concentrator on the Amazon side of the Site-to-Site VPN connection. In this project a virtual private gateway is created and attached to the databased VPC from which the Site-to-Site VPN connection is to be established.

Route Propagation

The traffic from GCP networks is configured in route table to pass via virtual private gateway

## Route Propogation
resource "aws_vpn_gateway_route_propagation" "public_private" {
    count = length(var.aws_route_table_ids)
    route_table_id = element(var.aws_route_table_ids,count.index)
    vpn_gateway_id =
    depends_on = [

Customer Gateway

A customer gateway is a resource that is created in AWS which represents the customer gateway device in your other network. When a customer gateway is created, the information about the device at other end of network is passed to AWS; i.e Public IP of GCP Cloud Gateway

## Customer Gateway with Public IP of GCP Cloud Gateway
resource "aws_customer_gateway" "google" {
    bgp_asn = 65000
    ip_address = google_compute_address.vpn_ip.address
    type = "ipsec.1"
    tags = {
        Name = "Google Cloud Customer Gateway"
    depends_on = [

VPN Tunnel

The VPN tunnel is created with the combination of all the above resources i.e virtual private gateway and customer gateway.

## AWS VPN Tunnel
resource "aws_vpn_connection" "aws_to_gcp" {
    vpn_gateway_id =
    customer_gateway_id =
    type = "ipsec.1"
    static_routes_only = false
    tags = {
        Name = " AWS-To-Google VPN"
    depends_on = [

Fig 31.: AWS VPN

Google Cloud VPN Resources

The static Public IP is required which will be passed to AWS network for configuration of customer gateway.

VPN Gateway

The Google Cloud VPN Gateway works in a similiar way as AWS Virtual Private Gateway

## VPN Gateway
resource "google_compute_vpn_gateway" "gcp_aws_gateway" {
    name = "vpn-gateway"
    network = var.gcp_network_id

Some firewall forwarding rules must be attached with the VPN gateway such as

  • Protocol: ESP
  • Protocol: UDP, Port: 500,4500

Google Compute Router

Cloud Router is a fully distributed and managed Google Cloud service that programs custom dynamic routes and scales with your network traffic. Cloud Router works with both legacy networks and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks. Cloud Router isn't a connectivity option, but a service that works over Cloud VPN or Cloud Interconnect connections to provide dynamic routing by using the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for VPC networks.

resource "google_compute_router" "gcp_vpn_router" {
    name = "gcp-vpn-router"
    network = var.gcp_network_id
        asn =
    depends_on = [,

Fig 32.: GCP Compute Router

VPN Tunnel

The VPN tunnel resource helps in establishing the connection from GCP to AWS privately.

## VPN tunnel
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel"  "gcp_aws_vpn" {
    name               = "gcp-aws-vpn-tunnel-1"
    peer_ip            = aws_vpn_connection.aws_to_gcp.tunnel1_address
    shared_secret      = aws_vpn_connection.aws_to_gcp.tunnel1_preshared_key
    ike_version        = 1
    target_vpn_gateway =
    router             =
    depends_on         = [

Module : kubernetes

The module is responsible for application deployment on top of kubernetes cluster over Google Cloud.

module "application_deployment" {
    source              = "./modules/kubernetes"
    aws_vpc_cidr        = var.aws_vpc_cidr_block
    mongo_db_host       = module.database_server.db_private_ip
    mongo_db_port       = var.aws_mongo_db_server_port
    app_image_name      = var.app_docker_image_name
    app_container_port  = var.app_container_port
    app_port            = var.app_expose_port
    db_app_username     = var.aws_mongo_db_application_username
    db_app_password     = var.aws_mongo_db_application_user_password
    db_database_name    = var.aws_mongo_db_application_db_name

Kubernetes Secret Resource

The Database application user credentials are stored in kubernetes secret resource to prevent passing credentils in plain text to deployment resource. HCL Code to create secret resource :

resource "kubernetes_secret" "db_secret" {
                name = "mongo-db-secret"
        data = {
                username      = var.db_app_username
                password      = var.db_app_password
                database      = var.db_database_name

Kubernetes Deployment and Service Resource

The deployment kubernetes resource is created to implement fault tolerance behaviour while running pods i.e, to restart the application pods in case anyone of them fails. The service kubernetes resource creates load balancer resource to serve traffic on application pods based on pod labels.

Fig 33.: Kubernetes Service Resource

Usage Instructions

You should have configured IAM profile in the controller node by following instructions.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Change the working directory to automation-scripts
  3. Run terraform init
  4. Then, terraform plan, to see the list of resources that will be created

Fig 34.: Terraform Total Number of Resources

  1. Then, terraform apply -auto-approve

Fig 35.: Terraform Output

In case, you would like to deploy applications using kubectl cli on GKE cluster; so gcloud SDK is necessary for kubectl configuration. For example:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials kubernetes-cluster --region asia-southeast1 --project nodejs-frontend-app

The above command will configure the kubectl cli and you can now connect to the GKE cluster from the local node

When you are done playing

terraform destroy -auto-approve


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_region_name Default Region Name for AWS Infrastructure string `` yes
aws_user_profile IAM Credentials of AWS Account with required priviledges string `` yes
aws_vpc_cidr_block CIDR block for AWS VPC Network string `` yes
aws_db_ami_id AMI Id for launching Database Server EC2 Instance string `` yes
aws_db_instance_type EC2 Instance Type for Database Server string `` yes
aws_db_key_name Key name for Database Server EC2 instannce string `` yes
aws_bastion_ami_id AMI Id for launching Bastion Host EC2 Instance string `` yes
aws_bastion_instance_type EC2 Instance Type for Bastion Host in AWS string `` yes
aws_bastion_key_name Key name for Bastion Host EC2 instannce string `` yes
aws_bastion_connection_user Username for SSH connection to Bastion Host EC2 instance string ec2-user yes
aws_db_server_connection_user Username for SSH connection to Database Server EC2 instance string ec2-user yes
aws_connection_type Type of connection for remote-exec provisioner like (ssh,winrm) string ssh no
app_expose_port Port Numer to Expose the Application in Kubernetes Service number `` yes
app_container_port Port Number on which Application is exposed in Image number `` yes
app_docker_image_name Docker Image for the applcation Pods string string yes
aws_mongo_db_root_username Database Server Admin Username string `` yes
aws_mongo_db_root_password Database server Admin User Password string `` yes
aws_mongo_db_server_port Database Server Port Number string `` yes
aws_mongo_db_data_path Data Directory of mongo Database Server string `` yes
aws_mongo_db_application_username Database Application Username" string `` yes
aws_mongo_db_application_user_password Database Application User Password string `` yes
aws_mongo_db_application_db_name Database Name string `` yes
gcp_credentials_file_name GCP Credentials File name" string `` yes
gcp_region_name Region Name to launch GCP Resources string `` yes
gcp_project_id Unique Project Id for Application Deployment string `` yes
gcp_network_name GCP VPC Network Name string `` yes
gcp_subnet_cidr Application Subnet CIDR/ Prefix string `` yes
gcp_pods_network_cidr Application Pods Subnet CIDR/ Prefix string `` yes
gcp_services_network_cidr Application Pods Services Subnet CIDR/ Prefix string `` yes
gcp_cluster_name Kubernetes Cluster Name string `` yes
gcp_cluster_zone Cluster Zone name such as asiasoutheast-1 string `` yes
gcp_load_balancing_state Boolean value to enable/disable HTTP Load Balanacing bool `` yes
gcp_pod_scaling_state Enable/Disable Horizotal Scaling of Pods bool `` yes
gcp_node_count Number of nodes in cluster number `` yes
gcp_node_preemptible_state Enable/Disable Nodes Premptible state bool `` yes
gcp_node_machine_type GKE Worker Nodes Instance Machine Type string `` yes
gcp_node_disk_size GKE Worker Nodes Disk Size in GB string `` yes
gcp_node_pool_name Node Pool Cluster Name string `` yes


Name Description
gcp_gke_endpoint GKE Cluster Endpoint
aws_bastion_public_ip Bastion Host Public IP
aws_NAT_public_ip Public IP of AWS NAT Gateway
aws_public_subnet_cidrs List of Public Subnet CIDR blocks
aws_private_subnet_cidrs List of Private Subnet CIDR blocks
aws_public_subnet_ids List of Public Subnet Ids
aws_private_subnet_ids List of Private Subnet Ids
database_server_private_ip Private IPs of Database Server EC instance
database_server_key_name Key Pair Name used during launching Database Server EC2 instance
application_endpoint Public IP of Load Balancer for Accessing Application


1. Google Cloud Network

Fig 36.: GCP Network

2. Kubernetes Cluster

Fig 37.: GKE Cluster

3. Kubernetes Worker Nodes

Fig 38.: GKE Cluster Worker Nodes

4. Google Cloud VPN

Fig 39.: GCP VPN

5. AWS VPC Network

Fig 40.: AWS VPC

6. AWS Subnets

Fig 41.: AWS Subnets


Fig 42.: AWS VPN

8. Bastion and DB Server Instances

Fig 43.: AWS Instances


Automated Multi-Cloud Application Deployment using terraform. The inter-connectivity between the public clouds is preformed using Site-To-Site VPN using terraform as code. The application is deployed in the Kubernetes cluster managed by Google Kubernetes Engine provisioned and configured with the help of terraform. The Database Server is hosted …







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