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A revamped version of the Cardify application specifically focused on language learning. It enables users to create, edit, and favorite flashcard sets. Additionally, it offers a quiz feature designed to aid in memorizing vocabulary and phrases through images, reading, listening, and speaking.

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Cardify Lingo

Cardify Lingo is a revamped version of the Cardify application, focusing on language learning. Developed primarily using Next.js, Typescript, TailwindCSS, and PostgreSQL, this updated version incorporates numerous enhancements and refinements, aligning more closely with my original concepts for the application.

Updates and Enhancements

  • Backend Migration: The previous Express backend has been transformed into app/api routes using Next.js route handlers
  • New Features:
    • Integrated Google account creation with NextAuth.js -Introduced a quiz feature to aid users in memorizing vocabulary and phrases through images, reading, listening, and speaking. Check out the screenshots section below for a visual representation.
    • Implementated speech recognition for the quiz feature in compatible browsers1
    • Provided the option to add or remove images on cards via the create/edit page or in the single card edit modal
    • Added drag and drop functionality for reordering cards within a set on the create/edit page
    • Introduced a modal prompting users to confirm deletion before removing a set

Database Changes

  • Prefixed all tables (except the users table) with lang_ to maintain consistency with Cardify's database and keep the service free
  • Updated the id column in the users' table to the VARCHAR type to accommodate Google accounts' IDs
  • Added a new code column to the languages table specifically for supporting speech synthesis and speech recognition features
  • Added a new sequence column to the lang_cards table to facilitate the rearrangement of cards within a set


  • Integrated comprehensive end-to-end tests using Cypress to ensure the application's functionality across various scenarios and user interactions

Font Optimization

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Google Font.


Homepage Login Page Profile Page Edit Set Page View Set Page Edit Card Modal

  • Three Quiz mode is available for a compatible browser (listen, read, and image)
    Quiz mode 'image'
    - Answered correctly via speech recognition
    Quiz mode 'read'
    Quiz mode 'listen'
    (Only available in compatible browsers)


  • Node 20
  • Next.js 14
  • Next-Auth 4.x
  • React 18
  • React-dom 18
  • React speech recognition
  • React confetti
  • React toastify
  • React icons
  • Dnd kit - Core & Sortable
  • Headless UI - React
  • Vercel Blob
  • pg
  • Sass
  • uuid
  • Bcrypt
  • Axios
  • TailwindCSS 3
  • Typescript 5
  • Cypress


  • Hosting: Vercel
  • Database: Vercel Postgres
  • Image Storage: Vercel Blob

Getting Started

To run the development server

  1. Create .env.local based on .env.local.example
  2. Install dependencies with npm install, then run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

To run cypress test

  • Change moduleResolution from bundler to node in tsconfig.json for cypress to work
// tsconfig.json

 "compilerOptions": {
    "moduleResolution": "node",


The banner background image is originally from Freepik and subsequently edited by me.


  1. The Web Speech API is predominantly supported by Google browsers. Chrome (desktop) offers the smoothest experience. For more information on supported browsers, please refer to the repository of react-speech-recognition.


A revamped version of the Cardify application specifically focused on language learning. It enables users to create, edit, and favorite flashcard sets. Additionally, it offers a quiz feature designed to aid in memorizing vocabulary and phrases through images, reading, listening, and speaking.






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