Telegram bot to download Songs from Tidal.
- Download Tracks/Albums/Mix/Playlist from Tidal
- Quality available upto Master-FLAC
- Search songs inline using Tidal-API
- Store downloaded songs to Channel/Group
- Bot can configured for Public or Private use
- Index Channel Feature for avoiding duplicate and search option
- Auto convert other music platform link to Tidal link
-> Required Variables
- The Telegram Bot Token. (Get from @BotFather)APP_ID
- Telegram account API ID. (Get it from Telegram)API_HASH
- Telegram account API HASH String. (Get it from Telegram)AUTH_CHAT
- List of Chat ID where Bot will work. (Seperated by space)ADMINS
- List of User ID who has full access to the Bot. (Seperated by space)ALLOW_DUMP
- Whether to store the downloaded files in any group/channel. (True/False)IS_BOT_PUBLIC
- Whether to allow bot usage for public. (True/False)TIDAL_REGION
- Country code for Tidal Song search. (In international format eg:IN)TIDAL_SEARCH_LIMIT
- Limit the number of search results.BOT_USERNAME
- Username of your bot.DATABASE_URL
- Postgres Database URL (Get it from Elephantsql)
-> Optional Variables
- Group/Channel ID where bot stores all the downloaded files (Mandatory if set ALLOW_DUMP = True)AUTH_USERS
- List of User ID who can use the bot (Seperated by space) (Only needed if IS_BOT_PUBLIC = False)INLINE_THUMB
- Logo to be shown in inline search results. (Use CDN links for better performance)ENV
- Set to True if using ENV Variables.SEARCH_CHANNEL
- ID of channel/gropup to search downloaded/other songs files direclyUSER_SESSION
- Telegram account session string. (Required for Searching and Indexing to work) (Generate from HERE or use any other Pyrogram Session Generator)MUSIC_CHANNEL_LINK
- For providing direct join link to the Music Storage Channel while searching for songs inline.ALLOW_OTHER_LINKS
- If to allow automatic conversion of other music platform links to Tidal links while downloading. (Current API has a limit of 10 conversion per minute) (True/False)
start - Start the bot
help - Shows Help Message
download - Download songs from Tidal
auth - Authorise a chat/user
settings - Open Settings Panel [ADMIN ONLY]
add_sudo - Add a user as Admin [ADMIN ONLY]
shell - Run shell cmds [ADMIN ONLY]
index - Index Search channel with Songs [ADMIN ONLY]
authed - Shows list of chats where bot is allowed to run
Change.env add variable
sudo apt install tmux
tmux ls
tmux new -s session_name
tmux a -t session_name
tmux kill-session -t session_name
sudo apt install python3-virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 VENV
. ./VENV/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install psycopg2-binary
python -m bot
- For Database URL use Heroku Postgres (if on Heroku) or ElephantSQL
Start Docker daemon (skip if already running), if installed by snap then use 2nd command:
sudo dockerd sudo snap start docker
Note: If not started or not starting, run the command below then try to start.
sudo apt install
Build Docker image:
sudo docker build . -t tidal-dl-bot
Run the image:
sudo docker run tidal-dl-bot
To stop the image:
sudo docker ps sudo docker stop id
To clear the container:
sudo docker container prune
To delete the images:
sudo docker image prune -a