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Bugsnag Add-in

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Bugsnag notification add-in and bot for RingCentral app.


1. Clone this project

$ git clone

2. Install dependencies

Inside project root:

$ npm install

3. Start Ngrok to create a URI for public internet access

$ npm run ngrok

Keep this process active, and you will get a publish uri as that connected with your local port localhost:6066.

4. Create a free RingCentral Notifications app

Please follow here to create a RingCentral notification app.

In App Features, enable Interactive Messages, then input URI Please replace with your ngrok domain.

In Integrated installation in RingCentral app section, enable This app can be installed via the web, then input URI

5. Create a free RingCentral Bots app

Please follow here to create a RingCentral Bots app.

In App Permissions section, add Read Accounts, Team Messaging and Webhook Subscriptions.

In OAuth Redirect URI section, input Please replace with your ngrok domain.

In App Features, enable Interactive Messages, then input URI Please replace with your ngrok domain.

6. Create .env file

$ cp .env.default .env

Edit .env file as .env.default to set environment variables. The APP_SERVER is publish uri that we get from ngrok. For DATABASE_CONNECTION_URI, we can just keep sqlite://./db.sqlite. We will use sqlite as local database.

7. Setup Database

We will use sqlite as local database. Please install sqlite3 in your machine firstly.

Init Database:

$ npm run initDB

8. Start server

$ npm start

9. Test at RingCentral sandbox

Go to with your sandbox account, you can get your apps in development here. Click Plus icon to add your notification app or bots to test.

Deploy with serverless

1. Create serverless-deploy/env.yml file

$ cp serverless-deploy/env.default.yml serverless-deploy/env.yml

Edit serverless-deploy/env.yml to set environment variables. We will get APP_SERVER after first deploy. So now just keep it blank.

2. Create serverless-deploy/serverless.yml file

$ cp serverless-deploy/serverless.default.yml serverless-deploy/serverless.yml

Edit serverless-deploy/env.yml to update serverless settings. The Dynamo TableName should be ${DYNAMODB_TABLE_PREFIX}webhooks. DYNAMODB_TABLE_PREFIX is environment variable that we set upper.

3. Deploy

$ npm run serverless-build
$ npm run serverless-deploy

In first deploy, you will get lambda uri in console output: Copy the uri, and update environment variable APP_SERVER with it in serverless-deploy/env.yml file. Then deploy again:

$ npm run serverless-deploy

Then update app settings in RingCentral developer portal, with your new APP_SERVER.


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Contributors 3
