A highly available set (usually a triplet) of haproxies.
Powered by Pacemaker and HAProxy, this is intended to be run on normal machines - VMs or physical - to provide a highly available load balancer service, with optional niceties like TLS management and centralised TLS certificates.
- Ansible 2.12+ or greater.
- Standard Ubuntu or Debian hosts, running the latest or second-latest LTS release.
- Copy inventories/dev to an inventories/ folder of your own.
- Within your inventories folder:
- Edit the hosts file to point to your own hosts.
- Edit the group_vars/loadbalancer.yml file to suit your needs.
- Install required roles using Ansible Galaxy:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
- Run the playbook, pointing at your chosen inventory folder. Add --ask-become-pass if you do not use passwordless sudo.
ansible-playbook site.yml -i inventories/dev