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Static site generator and image management for people generating AI images with stable diffusion.


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BEAST LAIR website and image management tools.

These are the custom tools I use to

  1. Manage the images I generate with ComfyUI and Automatic1111
  2. Generate a static website of image galleries.


Run npm install to install dependencies.

Static Website Generation

Add New Galleries

Add images to add to a new or existing gallery to the stagegallery folder and run the script.

$ ./convertgallery stagegallery public/MyFirstGallery

If the MyFirstGallery folder does not already exist, it will be created. If an file doesn't already exist, it will be created from the tmplt/ file, with the # TITLE replaced with the folder name like # MyFirstGallery.

All the images will be converted to jpegs and added to a _gallery sub folder. If there is an existing gallery, the images will be added to it.

Edit Markdown Files

All .md markdown files in the public folder and subfolders will be converted to html, so you can make any arbitrary pages you would like, hyperlink them together, create custom galleries by hand, etc.

There are some custom markdown extensions you can use to make this easier.

Custom Markdown Extensions

$ breadcrumbs

Adding $ breadcrumbs to a markdown file will list parent directories up to the home directory of the project (public), so visitors can navigate back up.

$ dirlist

Adding $ dirlist to a markdown file will list the subdirectories of the current directory excluding any that begin with _.

$ gallery

Adding $ gallery to a markdown file will generate an image gallery with all of the images in the _gallery directory child of markdown file's directory. This is automatically created when using the script.

Generate the static site

Run the gen.js script to convert the markdown files to static html.

$ node gen.js

AI Image Management

A simple interface for managing your trillions of generated images. Based on ngx-superbindex.

Filter your images by filename using regex. Click View All to see all filtered images or click individually to add them to the gallery pane. Check pnginfo. Select them to get a space delimited list of filenames suitable for use on the command line.


Use the beastlair-index.xslt as an autoindex template with nginx. Make sure you are only serving your output folder and that it doesn't contain anything sensitive because all sub folders and files will be exposed. Adding authentication as shown below is a good idea to prevent anyone crawling and downloading gigabytes of image data.

location /my_first_output_path {
  auth_basic "Beast Lair";                     # optional authentication
  auth_basic_user_file /etc/apache2/.htpasswd; # optional authentication
  autoindex on;
  autoindex_format xml;
  xslt_stylesheet /path/to/beastlair-index/beastlair-index.xslt;
  alias /path/to/ComfyUI/output;
  # First attempt to serve request as file, then
  # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
  try_files $uri $uri/ =404;


Static site generator and image management for people generating AI images with stable diffusion.





