Phoenix Framework view helpers for Harmonium-styled HTML without React.
Harmonium was originally conceived as a set of styled React components ( This library brings the style and markup framework of Harmonium into Phoenix, but leaves the JavaScript behind.
Here are a just few of the features:
- Flexible grid layout system
- Enhanced form helpers that decorate your inputs with errors and help text in a uniform way
- Functions for inserting just the right CSS class names, for those moments when you want to go off the pre-built path
Add harmonium
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
before running mix deps.get
def deps do
{:harmonium, "~> 2.1.1"}
Then, in config.exs
, pass in your Phoenix application's error translator function:
config :harmonium,
error_helper: {YourAppWeb.ErrorHelpers, :translate_error}
From your app's root directory, run this command to get the harmonium
package from NPM, which contains the SCSS you'll need:
$(cd assets && npm install --save harmonium)
In assets/app.scss
, import the SCSS:
@import '~harmonium/scss/app';
For more details, and a set of Starter Settings for configuring Harmonium styles, go to
Checkout the documentation for more examples and a full list of functions.
<%= form_for @changeset, @action, fn f -> %>
<%= row do %>
<%= col medium: 6, large: 4 do %>
<%= text_input_stack f, :username, label: "Username", help: "Pick a good one. You can't change it later." %>
<% end %>
<%= col medium: 6, large: 4 do %>
<%= password_input_stack f, :password, label: "Password", help: "Make it strong!" %>
<% end %>
<%= col medium: 6, large: 4 do %>
<%= password_input_stack f, :password, label: "Password (confirm)", help: "Type it again." %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= row do %>
<%= col do %>
<%= single_checkbox f, :subscribe_to_newsletter, label: "Please, please, please subscribe to my newsletter." %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= row do %>
<%= col do %>
<%= submit "Save", class: button_class(expanded: true) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
To deploy and update to the harmonium hex package, you first need to increment version number in mix.exs
. Afterwards all that needs to be done is to create a new release tag for the new version number, and Travis should deploy the package automatically.