Color conversion, shade/tint generation, color quantization, and more in TypeScript
Note: All methods either accept RGB/RGBA colors as parameters or give RGB/RGBA colors as results. In order to work with other color spaces (eg. XYZ), convert them to RGB first.
If you are using NodeJS, an extra installation step is required.
$ npx jsr add @retraigo/colors
$ pnpm dlx jsr add @retraigo/colors
For browser usage, use a bundler.
For Node/Deno usage, refer below.
// Deno /x
import { rgbaFromHex, xyz, lab } from "";
// Deno JSR
import { rgbaFromHex, xyz, lab } from "jsr:@retraigo/colors";
// Node JSR (after installation)
import { rgbaFromHex, xyz, lab } from "jsr:@retraigo/colors";
const color = rgbaFromHex("#fceff1");
// CIE XYZ color space
// CIE LAB color space
// Conversion of color into all supported spaces
Refer jsr:@retraigo/colors for documentation.