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v0.6.0 - 1 Feb 2015

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@dancannon dancannon released this 01 Feb 10:53
· 668 commits to master since this release

There are some major changes to the driver with this release that are not related to the RethinkDB v1.16 release. Please have a read through them:

  • Improvements to result decoding by caching reflection calls.
  • Finished implementing the Marshaler/Unmarshaler interfaces
  • Connection pool overhauled. There were a couple of issues with connections in the previous releases so this release replaces the fatih/pool package with a connection pool based on the database/sql connection pool.
  • Another change is the removal of the prefetching mechanism as the connection+cursor logic was becoming quite complex and causing bugs, hopefully this will be added back in the near future but for now I am focusing my efforts on ensuring the driver is as stable as possible #130 #137
  • Due to the above change the API for connecting has changed slightly (The API is now closer to the database/sql API. ConnectOpts changes:
    • MaxActive renamed to MaxOpen
    • IdleTimeout renamed to Timeout
  • Cursors are now only closed automatically when calling either All or One
  • Exec now takes ExecOpts instead of RunOpts. The only difference is that Exec has the NoReply field

With that out the way here are the v1.16 changes:

  • Added Range which generates all numbers from a given range
  • Added an optional squash argument to the changes command, which lets the server combine multiple changes to the same document (defaults to true)
  • Added new admin functions (Config, Rebalance, Reconfigure, Status, Wait)
  • Added support for SUCCESS_ATOM_FEED
  • Added MinIndex + MaxIndex functions
  • Added ToJSON function
  • Updated WriteResponse type

Since this release has a lot of changes and although I have tested these changes sometimes things fall through the gaps. If you discover any bugs please let me know and I will try to fix them as soon as possible.