As a part of a parallel computing unit undertaken in 2021, we were required to implement a paper of our choice related to OpenMP or MPI.
The repository contains a breadth first search and simulated annealing based algorithm for solving the order/degree problem. Both OpenMP and MPI are required.
Running the program will take an input graph, and produce a new augmented graph with improved average shortest path length (ASPL).
This code implements, and is based on pseudo code from, the paper: "A Method for Order/Degree Problem Based on Graph Symmetry and Simulated Annealing with MPI/OpenMP Parallelization" Available at, as of 2022:
To build the program, run make
, which requires mpicxx
, and must have support for C++20.
To run on Windows, do:
mpiexec -n X ./solver [graph file] -t Y
And on Linux:
mpirun -np X ./solver [graph file] -t Y
Where X is the number of processes, Y is the number of threads, and [graph file] is the path to the file defining the graphs as an adjacency list. An example is given as smallGraphBad.txt
Warning: X (the number of processes) must be less than or equal to the number of nodes in the graph.
\> mpiexec -n 8 ./solver .\examples\largeGraphBad.txt -t 5
Process 6 will check from 192 to 223.
Process 5 will check from 160 to 191.
Process 3 will check from 96 to 127.
Process 7 will check from 224 to 255.
Process 4 will check from 128 to 159.
Process 0 will check from 0 to 31.
Process 1 will check from 32 to 63.
Process 2 will check from 64 to 95.
The original ASPL was 2.899908, and the diameter was 5.
Final minimum ASPL was 2.820113, and the diameter of this graph was 5.
For the input graph file, a new augmented graph file will be produced, with the same name bu the extension .res.txt