REScala • TodoMVC
REScala is a Scala library for functional reactive programming on the JVM and the Web. It provides a rich API for event stream transformations and signal composition with managed consistent up-to-date state and minimal syntactic overhead. It supports concurrent and distributed programs.
REScala —
We implemented most of the TodoMVC specification. Especially interesting is the use of reactive signals to generate html-elements, which update automatically with the sync, and the ability to persist state into localStorage automatically, by saving all signals values.
- New todos are entered in top input, which is autofocused. Enter clears input, input is trimmed, and empty todos are not allowed.
- Hide footer when there are no todos.
- Mark-all button makes toggles every todos done state.
- Clicking todo checkbox toggles their done state.
- Double clicking a todo label turns it into editing mode. Editing hides checkbox and deletion button. blur and enter end editing.
- On changes, input is trimmed. Empty todos shall be deleted.
- Deletion button is shown on hovering over todos.
- Todo counter is pluralized correctly: 0 items, 1 item, 2 items, ... .
- The clear-completed button is only visible when there are todos.
- Todo state persists using localStorage over consecutive page visits.
We have not implemented the following things:
- To integrate seamlessly into scala development, we use sbt for dependency management instead of npm.
- If all todos get marked done, the Mark-done button should show this.
- Double clicking focused the editing input.
- We have not implemented routing and the related todo filters.
- Escaping the input shall cancel editing, restore previous value.
You need sbt beforehand. Last tested using sbt 1.9.0.
Run with:
$ sbt deploy # get scala dependencies and compile scala to js
$ firefox target/index.html # open generated file in browser