This case study uses delta CRDTs to implement a todolist application in AWS Lambda. Amazon S3 is used for persistent storage of the todolist.
General information about publishing a custom runtime to AWS Lambda:
In the IAM console, create a role to be used by the lambda function and give it the permissions AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole and AmazonS3FullAccess. In, replace the value in the --role parameter with the ARN of this role.
In Amazon S3, create a bucket and replace the bucketName value in src/main/scala/Main.scala:30 with the name of this bucket.
note, the following commands are fish shell, i.e., the (pwd) probably needs to replaced by something bash compatible like $(pwd)
build docker image:
sudo docker build -t awscompile .
use to create native image:
sudo docker run -v (pwd):/proj awscompile
when uploading your code for the first time, run:
afterwards, you can upload changes after building by running:
The todolist modeled in this case study can be accessed by executing ./ . The following request objects can be passed in the payload parameter:
Returns the current content of the todolist.
"type": "GetListEvent"
The response object contains the following fields:
- statusCode: HTTP status code (200 on success)
- vmID: Indicates the lambda instance that this request was processed in
- body: A list of objects that represent the tasks in the last. Each task object has the following fields:
- desc: The description of the task
- id: The id of the task, can be used to modify or delete the task
- done: Indicates whether the task is marked as done (only included in the response if it is true)
Add a new task to the todolist.
"type": "AddTaskEvent",
"desc": "Write Code"
- desc: The description of the task to be added
The response object contains the following fields:
- statusCode: HTTP status code (200 on success)
- vmID: Indicates the lambda instance that this request was processed in
- body: The id of the task, can be used to modify or delete the task
Edit the description of a task in the todolist.
"type": "EditTaskEvent",
"id": "abc123",
"desc": "Updated description"
- id: The id of the task to be edited
- desc: The new description to be given to the task
The response object contains the following fields:
- statusCode: HTTP status code (200 on success, 404 if there exists no task with the specified id)
- vmID: Indicates the lambda instance that this request was processed in
Toggle the "done" field of a task.
"type": "ToggleTaskEvent",
"id": "abc123"
- id: The id of the task to be toggled
The response object contains the following fields:
- statusCode: HTTP status code (200 on success, 404 if there exists no task with the specified id)
- vmID: Indicates the lambda instance that this request was processed in
Remove a task from the todolist.
"type": "RemoveTaskEvent",
"id": "abc123"
- id: The id of the task to be removed
The response object contains the following fields:
- statusCode: HTTP status code (200 on success, 404 if there exists no task with the specified id)
- vmID: Indicates the lambda instance that this request was processed in
Remove all tasks marked as done from the todolist.
"type": "RemoveDoneEvent"
The response object contains the following fields:
- statusCode: HTTP status code (200 on success)
- vmID: Indicates the lambda instance that this request was processed in