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improve key-value store for benchmarks
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- fix request ordering
- fix concurrency issues in the DataManager
  • Loading branch information
Kiibou-chan committed Oct 29, 2024
1 parent 1a32b44 commit 91fb805
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Showing 14 changed files with 169 additions and 83 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package channels

import de.rmgk.delay.{Async, Callback}

import{BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream, EOFException, IOException, InputStream, OutputStream}

class SendingClosedException extends IOException

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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Modules/Examples/Protocol Benchmarks/args/client-1-1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# wait-for-res false
multiput key%n valueX%n 200
multiget key%n 200
# wait
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Modules/Examples/Protocol Benchmarks/args/client-1-2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# wait-for-res false
multiput key%n valueY%n 200
multiget key%n 200
# wait
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Modules/Examples/Protocol Benchmarks/args/client-1-3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# wait-for-res false
multiput key%n valueZ%n 200
multiget key%n 200
# wait
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,31 +1,42 @@
package probench

import{ClientNodeState, DataManager, KVOperation, Request, Response}
import rdts.base.{Bottom, LocalUid, Uid}
import rdts.datatypes.contextual.CausalQueue
import rdts.dotted.Dotted
import rdts.syntax.DeltaBuffer

import scala.util.matching.Regex

class Client {
class Client(val name: Uid) {

given localUid: LocalUid = LocalUid.gen()
given localUid: LocalUid = LocalUid(name)
private val dataManager = DataManager[ClientNodeState](localUid, Bottom[ClientNodeState].empty, onStateChange)

private val lock = new Object()
private var currentOp: Option[Request] = None
private var waitForOp: Boolean = true

val get: Regex = """get (\w+)""".r
val put: Regex = """put (\w+) (\w+)""".r
private val commented: Regex = """#.*""".r
private val waitForRes: Regex = """wait-for-res (true|false)""".r
private val get: Regex = """get ([\w%]+)""".r
private val put: Regex = """put ([\w%]+) ([\w%]+)""".r
private val multiget: Regex = """multiget ([\w%]+) (\d+)""".r
private val multiput: Regex = """multiput ([\w%]+) ([\w%]+) (\d+)""".r

private def onStateChange(oldState: ClientNodeState, newState: ClientNodeState): Unit = {
/* val diff = -
if diff > 0 then {
println(s"Got $diff result(s): ${}")
} */

for {
op <- currentOp
CausalQueue.QueueElement(res@Response(req, _), _, _) <- if req == op
op <- currentOp
CausalQueue.QueueElement(res @ Response(req, _), _, _) <- if req == op
} {

currentOp = None

Expand All @@ -41,12 +52,18 @@ class Client {
val req = Request(op)
currentOp = Some(req)

// println(s"Put $req")

dataManager.transform { current =>
current.mod(it => it.copy(requests = it.requests.mod(_.enqueue(req))))

lock.synchronized {
// println(s"New Requests ${}")

if waitForOp then {
lock.synchronized {

Expand All @@ -58,16 +75,28 @@ class Client {
handleOp(KVOperation.Write(key, value))

private def multiget(key: String, times: Int): Unit = {
for i <- 1 to times do read(key.replace("%n", i.toString))

private def multiput(key: String, value: String, times: Int): Unit = {
for i <- 1 to times do write(key.replace("%n", i.toString), value.replace("%n", i.toString))

def startCLI(): Unit = {
while true do {
print("client> ")
val line = readLine()

val line = Option(readLine())
line match {
case get(key) => read(key)
case put(key, value) => write(key, value)
case "exit" => System.exit(0)
case _ => println(s"Error parsing: $line")
case Some(commented()) => // ignore
case Some(get(key)) => read(key)
case Some(put(key, value)) => write(key, value)
case Some(multiget(key, times)) => multiget(key, times.toInt)
case Some(multiput(key, value, times)) => multiput(key, value, times.toInt)
case Some(waitForRes(flag)) => waitForOp = flag.toBoolean
case Some("wait") => lock.synchronized { lock.wait() }
case Some("exit") => System.exit(0)
case None | Some(_) => println(s"Error parsing: $line")
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Expand Up @@ -8,49 +8,76 @@ import rdts.datatypes.experiments.protocols.{LogHack, Membership}
import rdts.dotted.Dotted
import rdts.syntax.DeltaBuffer

class Node(val name: String, val initialClusterIds: Set[Uid]) {
class Node(val name: Uid, val initialClusterIds: Set[Uid]) {

private type ClusterState = Membership[Request, Paxos, Paxos]

given localUid: LocalUid = LocalUid.predefined(name)
given localUid: LocalUid = LocalUid(name)
given LogHack = new LogHack(false)

private val clientDataManager =
DataManager[ClientNodeState](localUid, Bottom[ClientNodeState].empty, onClientStateChange)
private val clusterDataManager =
DataManager[ClusterState](localUid, Membership.init(initialClusterIds), onClusterStateChange)

private def onClientStateChange(oldState: ClientNodeState, newState: ClientNodeState): Unit = {
if then {
val diff = -
if diff > 0 then {
println(s"Requests: ${}")
println(s"Sorted : ${ VectorClock.vectorClockTotalOrdering).map(it => it.order -> it.value)}")
println(s"Dots : ${}")
println(s"Time : ${}")

if == 1 then {

given LogHack = new LogHack(true)

private def onClusterStateChange(oldState: ClusterState, newState: ClusterState): Unit = {
val upkept: ClusterState = newState.merge(newState.upkeep())
val delta = newState.upkeep()
val upkept: ClusterState = newState.merge(delta)

if !(upkept <= newState) then {
clusterDataManager.transform(_.mod(_ => upkept))
if !(upkept <= newState) || upkept.log.size > newState.log.size then {
clusterDataManager.transform(_.mod(_ => delta))

if newState.log.size > oldState.log.size then {
val op = newState.log.last
if upkept.log.size > oldState.log.size then {
val diff = upkept.log.size - oldState.log.size
// println(s"DIFF $diff")

val res: String = op match {
case Request(KVOperation.Read(key), _) =>
newState.log.reverseIterator.collectFirst {
case Request(KVOperation.Write(writeKey, value), _) if writeKey == key => value
}.getOrElse(s"Key $key has not been written to!")
case Request(KVOperation.Write(_, _), _) => "OK"
for op <- upkept.log.reverseIterator.take(diff).toList.reverseIterator do {

val res: String = op match {
case Request(KVOperation.Read(key), _) =>
upkept.log.reverseIterator.collectFirst {
case Request(KVOperation.Write(writeKey, value), _) if writeKey == key => s"$key=$value"
}.getOrElse(s"Key '$key' has not been written to!")
case Request(KVOperation.Write(key, value), _) => s"$key=$value; OK"

clientDataManager.transform(_.mod(state =>
requests = state.requests.mod(_.removeBy(_ == op)),
responses = state.responses.mod(_.enqueue(Response(op, res))),
clientDataManager.transform { it =>
if { e => e.value == op } then {
it.mod { state =>
// println(s"Writing Response: $op -> $res")
val newState = state.copy(
requests = state.requests.mod(_.removeBy(_ == op)),
responses = state.responses.mod(_.enqueue(Response(op, res))),
//println(s"Remaining Requests: ${}")
} else it

val clientState =

if then {

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Expand Up @@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ object cli {
private val ec: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(executor)

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val name = named[String]("--name", "")

val clientPort = named[Int]("--listen-client-port", "")
val peerPort = named[Int]("--listen-peer-port", "")

val ipAndPort = """(.+):(\d*)""".r
val ipAndPort = """(.+):(\d+)""".r

given ipAndPortParser: ArgumentValueParser[(String, Int)] with
override def apply(args: List[String]): (Option[(String, Int)], List[String]) =
Expand All @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ object cli {
case _ => (None, args)

override def valueDescription: String = "[<ip:port>]"
override def valueDescription: String = "<ip:port>"
end ipAndPortParser

given uidParser: ArgumentValueParser[Uid] with
Expand All @@ -42,18 +42,19 @@ object cli {
case _ => (None, args)

override def valueDescription: String = "[uid]"
override def valueDescription: String = "<uid>"
end uidParser

given JsonValueCodec[ClientNodeState] = JsonCodecMaker.make(CodecMakerConfig.withMapAsArray(true))

given JsonValueCodec[Membership[Request, Paxos, Paxos]] =

val argparse = argumentParser {
inline def cluster = named[List[(String, Int)]]("--cluster", "[<ip:port>]")
inline def initialClusterIds = named[List[Uid]]("--initial-cluster-ids", "[name]")

inline def clientNode = named[(String, Int)]("--node", "<ip:port>")
inline def cluster = named[List[(String, Int)]]("--cluster", "")
inline def initialClusterIds = named[List[Uid]]("--initial-cluster-ids", "")
inline def clientNode = named[(String, Int)]("--node", "<ip:port>")
inline def name = named[Uid]("--name", "", Uid.gen())

subcommand("node", "starts a cluster node") {
val node = Node(name.value, initialClusterIds.value.toSet)
Expand All @@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ object cli {

subcommand("client", "starts a client to interact with a node") {
val client = Client()
val client = Client(name.value)

val (ip, port) = clientNode.value

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@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@

import rdts.base.{Bottom, Lattice, Uid}
import rdts.base.{Bottom, Lattice, LocalUid, Uid}
import rdts.datatypes.contextual.CausalQueue
import rdts.datatypes.{GrowOnlyList, GrowOnlyMap}
import rdts.dotted.Dotted
import rdts.time.VectorClock

enum KVOperation[Key, Value] {
def key: Key
Expand All @@ -13,9 +14,10 @@ enum KVOperation[Key, Value] {

case class Request(op: KVOperation[String, String], requestUid: Uid = Uid.gen())
case class Response(request: Request, response: String)
case class Response(request: Request, payload: String)

case class ClientNodeState(
requests: Dotted[CausalQueue[Request]],
responses: Dotted[CausalQueue[Response]],
) derives Lattice, Bottom

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,30 +1,34 @@

import channels.LatentConnection
import rdts.base.{Lattice, LocalUid}
import rdts.syntax.DeltaBuffer
import rdts.time.Dots
import replication.{ProtocolDots, DataManager as RepDataManager}
import replication.{ProtocolDots, ProtocolMessage, DataManager as RepDataManager}

class DataManager[State: Lattice](
val localReplicaId: LocalUid,
val initialState: State,
val onChange: (State, State) => Unit,
) {
given Lattice[ProtocolDots[State]] = Lattice.derived
private val dataManager = RepDataManager[State](localReplicaId, _ => (), receivedChanges)
private var mergedState: ProtocolDots[State] = dataManager.allDeltas.foldLeft(ProtocolDots(initialState, Dots.empty))(Lattice[ProtocolDots[State]].merge)
private val dataManager = RepDataManager[State](localReplicaId, _ => (), receivedChanges)

var mergedState: ProtocolDots[State] =
dataManager.allDeltas.foldLeft(ProtocolDots(initialState, Dots.empty))(Lattice[ProtocolDots[State]].merge)

private def receivedChanges(changes: ProtocolDots[State]): Unit = {
val oldState = mergedState
mergedState = mergedState.merge(changes)

dataManager.lock.synchronized {
mergedState = mergedState.merge(changes)

def transform(fun: DeltaBuffer[State] => DeltaBuffer[State]): Unit = dataManager.lock.synchronized {
val current: DeltaBuffer[State] = DeltaBuffer(
val next: DeltaBuffer[State] = fun(current)

next.deltaBuffer.foreach { delta =>
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