Ansible role for installing a Django application with a Postgres database and NGINX / uWSGI application server stack.
Only tested on ubuntu and debian for now.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values:
www_domain: "",
dbuser: "example",
dbpassword: "3x4mple",
dbname: "example",
files_dir: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/",
certificate: "example.com_chain.pem",
key: ""
- repleo.nginx - Installs nginx server and configures virtual host for given domainname.
- repleo.postgresql - Installs database server and configures database.
- hosts: servers
- { role: repleo.django-app,
www_domain: "",
dbuser: "example",
dbpassword: "3x4mple",
dbname: "example",
files_dir: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/",
certificate: "example.com_chain.pem",
key: ""
GPL v3 - (c) 2016, Repleo, Amstelveen
Repleo, Amstelveen, Holland --
Jeroen Arnoldus ([email protected])