ORMageddon is asynchronous ORM framework based on peewee. For now it supports only PostgreSQL using aiopg.
Currently ORMageddon is only a proof of concept demonstration and is not ready for production yet. Please contact me if you are interested in further development of the project.
You can test ORMageddon using following little example:
import ormageddon
db = ormageddon.PostgresqlDatabase(database='ormageddon', user='postgres', host='')
class User(ormageddon.Model):
class Meta:
database = db
id = ormageddon.PrimaryKeyField()
async def get_user(user_id):
return await User.get(User.id == user_id)
async def print_users(start=None, stop=None):
async for user in User.select()[start:stop]:
async def create_user():
user = User()
await user.save()
async def manual_transaction():
await db.begin()
# do whatever you need
await db.rollback()
await db.commit()
async def transaction_context():
async with db.transaction() as transaction:
# do whatever you need