OpenStack Instances Monitor is a simple project to show how much each instance in your project is consuming on your hypervisors.
- clone this repository
$ git clone [email protected]:renato-farias/openstack-instances-monitoring.git
- installing all dependecies (OS)
$ cd openstack-instances-monitoring
$ setup/
- installing all dependecies (Python Application)
$ cd openstack-instances-monitoring
$ mkvirtualenv monitoring
$ workon monitoring
$ pip install -r setup/requirements.txt
- change the setting and run the app
$ cd openstack-instances-monitoring/app
$ mv application_sample.yaml application.yaml
$ gunicorn -b app:app --log-level info --env APP_ENV='production' --reload -w 4 --timeout 60
- point your browser to http://SERVER:8000/
- In your first access access: http://SERVER:8000/renew - To make the initial cache.
- insert in the root's cron the following entry (It's responsible to collect data from openstack API avoiding to take too time to get some informations about all instances):
1 * * * * curl http://localhost:8000/renew
- Get the script
# wget -c http://SERVER:8000/scripts/
- Edit the script pointing the server IP or Name to send data.
- insert in the root's cron the following entry:
* * * * * /root/
It's a tool with a simple endpoit API to collect data. Feel free using your imagination to customize this.
I'd like to say thank you to Crapworks. I used his template from Ceph-Dash to turn easy my job =]