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Alasdair committed Nov 23, 2023
1 parent 938921d commit fb9f381
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Showing 6 changed files with 90 additions and 24 deletions.
95 changes: 73 additions & 22 deletions src/bin/
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Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@

open Libsail

let opt_new_cli = ref false
let opt_file_arguments : string list ref = ref []
let opt_file_out : string option ref = ref None
let opt_just_check : bool ref = ref false
Expand All @@ -83,16 +84,67 @@ let opt_format_backup : string option ref = ref None
let opt_format_only : string list ref = ref []
let opt_format_skip : string list ref = ref []

(* Allow calling all options as either -foo_bar or -foo-bar *)
(* Allow calling all options as either -foo_bar or -foo-bar. If
!opt_new_cli is set we force --foo for long options and -f for
short options. *)
let rec fix_options = function
| (flag, spec, doc) :: opts ->
(flag, spec, doc) :: ( (function '_' -> '-' | c -> c) flag, spec, "") :: fix_options opts
if !opt_new_cli then
if flag = "-help" || flag = "--help" then (flag, spec, doc) :: fix_options opts
else (
let flag = (function '_' -> '-' | c -> c) flag in
let flag = if String.length flag > 2 then "-" ^ flag else flag in
(flag, spec, doc) :: fix_options opts
else if Option.is_some (String.index_from_opt flag 0 '_') then
( (function '_' -> '-' | c -> c) flag, spec, "") :: (flag, spec, doc) :: fix_options opts
else (flag, spec, doc) :: fix_options opts
| [] -> []

(* This function does roughly the same thing as Arg.align, except we
can call it per target and it won't add additional -help
options. *)
let target_align opts =
let split_doc doc =
if String.length doc > 0 then
if doc.[0] = ' ' then ("", doc)
else if doc.[0] = '\n' then ("", doc)
else (
match String.index_from_opt doc 0 ' ' with
| Some n -> (String.sub doc 0 n, String.sub doc n (String.length doc - n))
| None -> ("", doc)
else ("", "") in
let opts = (fun (flag, spec, doc) -> (flag, spec, split_doc doc)) opts in
let alignment = List.fold_left (fun a (flag, _, (arg, _)) -> max a (String.length flag + String.length arg)) 0 opts in
let opts =
(fun (flag, spec, (arg, doc)) ->
if doc = "" then (flag, spec, arg)
else (flag, spec, arg ^ String.make (max 0 (alignment - (String.length flag + String.length arg))) ' ' ^ doc)

(* Add a header to separate arguments from each plugin *)
let add_target_header plugin opts =
let add_header (flag, spec, doc) =
let desc =
match Target.extract_registered () with
| [] -> "plugin " ^ plugin
| [name] -> "target " ^ name
| names -> "targets " ^ Util.string_of_list ", " (fun x -> x) names
(flag, spec, doc ^ " \n\nOptions for " ^ desc)
Util.update_last add_header opts

let load_plugin opts plugin =
Dynlink.loadfile_private plugin;
opts := Arg.align (!opts @ fix_options (Target.extract_options ()))
let plugin_opts = Target.extract_options () |> fix_options |> target_align in
opts := add_target_header plugin !opts @ plugin_opts
with Dynlink.Error msg -> prerr_endline ("Failed to load plugin " ^ plugin ^ ": " ^ Dynlink.error_message msg)

let version =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,10 +200,10 @@ let rec options =
Arg.String (fun suffix -> opt_format_backup := Some suffix),
"<suffix> Create backups of formated files as 'file.suffix'"
("-fmt_only", Arg.String (fun file -> opt_format_only := file :: !opt_format_only), "<file> Format only this file");
("-fmt_only", Arg.String (fun file -> opt_format_only := file :: !opt_format_only), "<file> format only this file");
( "-fmt_skip",
Arg.String (fun file -> opt_format_skip := file :: !opt_format_skip),
"<file> Skip formatting this file"
"<file> skip formatting this file"
( "-D",
Arg.String (fun symbol -> Preprocess.add_symbol symbol),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,7 +262,7 @@ let rec options =
( "-smt_linearize",
Arg.Set Type_env.opt_smt_linearize,
"(experimental) force linearization for constraints involving exponentials"
" (experimental) force linearization for constraints involving exponentials"
("-Oconstant_fold", Arg.Set Constant_fold.optimize_constant_fold, " apply constant folding optimizations");
( "-Oaarch64_fast",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,32 +307,29 @@ let rec options =
("-dmono_continue", Arg.Set Rewrites.opt_dmono_continue, " (debug) continue despite monomorphisation errors");
("-dpattern_warning_no_literals", Arg.Set Pattern_completeness.opt_debug_no_literals, "");
( "-infer_effects",
Arg.Unit (fun () -> Reporting.simple_warn "-infer_effects option is deprecated"),
" Ignored for compatibility with older versions; effects are always inferred now (deprecated)"
( "-dbacktrace",
Arg.Int (fun l -> Reporting.opt_backtrace_length := l),
"<length> Length of backtrace to show when reporting unreachable code"
"<length> (debug) length of backtrace to show when reporting unreachable code"
( "-infer_effects",
Arg.Unit (fun () -> Reporting.simple_warn "-infer_effects option is deprecated"),
" (deprecated) ignored for compatibility with older versions; effects are always inferred now"
("-v", Arg.Set opt_print_version, " print version");
("-version", Arg.Set opt_print_version, " print version");
("-verbose", Arg.Int (fun verbosity -> Util.opt_verbosity := verbosity), "<verbosity> produce verbose output");
( "-explain_all_variables",
Arg.Set Type_error.opt_explain_all_variables,
" Explain all type variables in type error messages"
( "-explain_constraints",
Arg.Set Type_error.opt_explain_constraints,
" Explain all type variables in type error messages"
" explain all type variables in type error messages"
("-explain_constraints", Arg.Set Type_error.opt_explain_constraints, " explain constraints in type error messages");
( "-explain_verbose",
Arg.Tuple [Arg.Set Type_error.opt_explain_all_variables; Arg.Set Type_error.opt_explain_constraints],
" Add the maximum amount of explanation to type errors"
" add the maximum amount of explanation to type errors"
("-help", Arg.Unit (fun () -> help !options), " Display this list of options. Also available as -h or --help");
("-h", Arg.Unit (fun () -> help !options), "");
("--help", Arg.Unit (fun () -> help !options), "");
("-h", Arg.Unit (fun () -> help !options), " display this list of options. Also available as -help or --help");
("-help", Arg.Unit (fun () -> help !options), " display this list of options");
("--help", Arg.Unit (fun () -> help !options), " display this list of options");

let register_default_target () = Target.register ~name:"default" (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ -> ())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,6 +443,10 @@ let parse_config_file file =

let main () =
if Option.is_some (Sys.getenv_opt "SAIL_NEW_CLI") then opt_new_cli := true;

options := Arg.align (fix_options !options);

match Sys.getenv_opt "SAIL_NO_PLUGINS" with
| Some _ -> ()
Expand All @@ -410,8 +463,6 @@ let main () =

options := Arg.align !options;

Arg.parse_dynamic options (fun s -> opt_file_arguments := !opt_file_arguments @ [s]) usage_msg;

let config = Option.bind (get_config_file ()) parse_config_file in
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ let rewrites tgt = Rewrites.instantiate_rewrites tgt.rewrites

let asserts_termination tgt = tgt.asserts_termination

let registered = ref []
let targets = ref StringMap.empty

let the_target = ref None
Expand All @@ -118,13 +119,19 @@ let register ~name ?flag ?description:desc ?(options = []) ?(pre_parse_hook = fu
registered := name :: !registered;
targets := StringMap.add name tgt !targets;

let get_the_target () = match !the_target with Some name -> StringMap.find_opt name !targets | None -> None

let get ~name = StringMap.find_opt name !targets

let extract_registered () =
let names = !registered in
registered := [];
List.rev names

let extract_options () =
let opts = StringMap.bindings !targets |> (fun (_, tgt) -> tgt.options) |> List.concat in
targets := (fun tgt -> { tgt with options = [] }) !targets;
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/target.mli
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Expand Up @@ -135,5 +135,8 @@ val get_the_target : unit -> target option

val get : name:string -> target option

(** Used internally when updating the option list during plugin loading *)
val extract_registered : unit -> string list

(** Used internally to dynamically update the option list when loading plugins *)
val extract_options : unit -> (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ let rec compare_list f l1 l2 =
let c = f x y in
if c = 0 then compare_list f l1 l2 else c

let rec update_last f = function [] -> [] | [x] -> [f x] | x :: xs -> x :: update_last f xs

let rec map_last f = function [] -> [] | [x] -> [f true x] | x :: xs -> f false x :: map_last f xs

let rec iter_last f = function
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/util.mli
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Expand Up @@ -102,6 +102,9 @@ val assoc_compare_opt : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a -> ('a * 'b) list -> 'b option

val power : int -> int -> int

(** Apply a function to the last element of a list *)
val update_last : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list

(** Map but pass true to the function for the last element *)
val map_last : (bool -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/sail_ocaml_backend/
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Expand Up @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ let tofrominterp_target _ _ out_file ast _ _ =

let _ =
Target.register ~name:"tofrominterp"
~description:"output OCaml functions to translate between shallow embedding and interpreter"
~description:" output OCaml functions to translate between shallow embedding and interpreter"
~options:tofrominterp_options ~rewrites:tofrominterp_rewrites tofrominterp_target

let marshal_target _ _ out_file ast _ env =
Expand All @@ -184,5 +184,5 @@ let marshal_target _ _ out_file ast _ env =
close_out f

let _ =
Target.register ~name:"marshal" ~description:"OCaml-marshal out the rewritten AST to a file"
Target.register ~name:"marshal" ~description:" OCaml-marshal out the rewritten AST to a file"
~rewrites:tofrominterp_rewrites marshal_target

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