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Update typing rule for cons
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Ensure that (x :: y :: [||]) is always checked the same as [|x, y|].
Previously this was not the case as the list literal would consider
all elements simultaneously in some cases, whereas the cons would
only look at the head and tail.
  • Loading branch information
Alasdair committed May 20, 2024
1 parent 63a4f46 commit ac06d86
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Showing 6 changed files with 134 additions and 39 deletions.
125 changes: 86 additions & 39 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ let rec orig_nexp (Nexp_aux (nexp, l)) =
| Nexp_if (i, t, e) -> rewrap (Nexp_if (i, orig_nexp t, orig_nexp e))
| _ -> rewrap nexp

let is_list (Typ_aux (typ_aux, _)) =
let destruct_list (Typ_aux (typ_aux, _)) =
match typ_aux with Typ_app (f, [A_aux (A_typ typ, _)]) when string_of_id f = "list" -> Some typ | _ -> None

let is_unknown_type = function Typ_aux (Typ_internal_unknown, _) -> true | _ -> false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2007,6 +2007,18 @@ let backwards_attr l uannot = add_attribute l "backwards" None (remove_attribute

let tc_assume nc (E_aux (aux, annot)) = E_aux (E_internal_assume (nc, E_aux (aux, annot)), annot)

let rec unroll_cons = function
| E_aux (E_cons (h, t), annot) ->
let elems, annots, last_tail = unroll_cons t in
(h :: elems, annot :: annots, last_tail)
| exp -> ([], [], exp)

let rec reroll_cons ~at:l elems annots last_tail =
match (elems, annots) with
| elem :: elems, annot :: annots -> E_aux (E_cons (elem, reroll_cons ~at:l elems annots last_tail), annot)
| [], [] -> last_tail
| _, _ -> Reporting.unreachable l __POS__ "Could not recreate cons list due to element and annotation length mismatch"

type ('a, 'b) pattern_functions = {
infer : Env.t -> 'a -> 'b * Env.t * uannot exp list;
bind : Env.t -> 'a -> typ -> 'b * Env.t * uannot exp list;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2071,21 +2083,6 @@ let rec check_exp env (E_aux (exp_aux, (l, uannot)) as exp : uannot exp) (Typ_au
| E_try (exp, cases), _ ->
let checked_exp = crule check_exp env exp typ in
annot_exp (E_try (checked_exp, (fun case -> check_case env exc_typ case typ) cases)) typ
| E_cons (x, xs), _ -> begin
match is_list (Env.expand_synonyms env typ) with
| Some elem_typ ->
let checked_xs = crule check_exp env xs typ in
let checked_x = crule check_exp env x elem_typ in
annot_exp (E_cons (checked_x, checked_xs)) typ
| None -> typ_error l ("Cons " ^ string_of_exp exp ^ " must have list type, got " ^ string_of_typ typ)
| E_list xs, _ -> begin
match is_list (Env.expand_synonyms env typ) with
| Some elem_typ ->
let checked_xs = (fun x -> crule check_exp env x elem_typ) xs in
annot_exp (E_list checked_xs) typ
| None -> typ_error l ("List " ^ string_of_exp exp ^ " must have list type, got " ^ string_of_typ typ)
| E_struct_update (exp, fexps), _ ->
let checked_exp = crule check_exp env exp typ in
let rectyp_id =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2350,12 +2347,47 @@ let rec check_exp env (E_aux (exp_aux, (l, uannot)) as exp : uannot exp) (Typ_au
else if prove __POS__ env (nc_eq (nint literal_len) (nexp_simp len)) then (tyvars, nc, elem_typ)
else typ_error l "Vector literal with incorrect length"
match check_or_infer_sequence ~at:l env vec tyvars nc elem_typ with
match check_or_infer_sequence ~at:l env vec tyvars nc (Some elem_typ) with
| Some (vec, elem_typ) ->
annot_exp (E_vector vec)
(if is_generic then vector_typ (nint literal_len) elem_typ else bitvector_typ (nint literal_len))
| None -> typ_error l ("This vector literal does not satisfy the constraint in " ^ string_of_typ (mk_typ orig_typ))
| E_cons (x, xs), orig_typ -> begin
let xs, annots, last_tail = unroll_cons xs in
let tyvars, nc, typ =
match destruct_exist_plain typ with Some (tyvars, nc, typ) -> (tyvars, nc, typ) | None -> ([], nc_true, typ)
let tyvars = List.fold_left (fun set kopt -> KidSet.add (kopt_kid kopt) set) KidSet.empty tyvars in
match destruct_list (Env.expand_synonyms env typ) with
| Some elem_typ -> begin
match check_or_infer_sequence ~at:l env (x :: xs) tyvars nc (Some elem_typ) with
| Some (xs, elem_typ) ->
let checked_last_tail = crule check_exp env last_tail (list_typ elem_typ) in
let annots =
(fun (l, uannot) -> (l, mk_expected_tannot ~uannot env (list_typ elem_typ) (Some (mk_typ orig_typ))))
((l, uannot) :: annots)
reroll_cons ~at:l xs annots checked_last_tail
| _ -> typ_error l ("This list does not satisfy the constraint in " ^ string_of_typ (mk_typ orig_typ))
| None -> typ_error l ("Cons " ^ string_of_exp exp ^ " must have list type")
| E_list xs, orig_typ -> begin
let tyvars, nc, typ =
match destruct_exist_plain typ with Some (tyvars, nc, typ) -> (tyvars, nc, typ) | None -> ([], nc_true, typ)
let tyvars = List.fold_left (fun set kopt -> KidSet.add (kopt_kid kopt) set) KidSet.empty tyvars in
match destruct_list (Env.expand_synonyms env typ) with
| Some elem_typ -> begin
match check_or_infer_sequence ~at:l env xs tyvars nc (Some elem_typ) with
| Some (xs, elem_typ) -> annot_exp (E_list xs) (list_typ elem_typ)
| None ->
typ_error l ("This list literal does not satisfy the constraint in " ^ string_of_typ (mk_typ orig_typ))
| None -> typ_error l ("List " ^ string_of_exp exp ^ " must have list type, got " ^ string_of_typ typ)
| E_lit (L_aux (L_undef, _) as lit), _ ->
if can_be_undefined ~at:l env typ then
if is_typ_inhabited env (Env.expand_synonyms env typ) then annot_exp (E_lit lit) typ
Expand All @@ -2374,31 +2406,41 @@ let rec check_exp env (E_aux (exp_aux, (l, uannot)) as exp : uannot exp) (Typ_au
the same type, where that type can have additional type variables
and constraints that must be instantiated (usually these
variables/constraints come from an existential). *)
and check_or_infer_sequence ~at:l env xs tyvars nc typ =
let tyvars, nc, typ, xs =
and check_or_infer_sequence ~at:l env xs tyvars nc typ_opt =
let tyvars, nc, typ_opt, xs =
(fun (tyvars, nc, typ, xs) x ->
let goals = KidSet.inter tyvars (tyvars_of_typ typ) in
if not (KidSet.is_empty goals) then (
match irule infer_exp env x with
| exception Type_error _ -> (tyvars, nc, typ, Error x :: xs)
| x ->
let unifiers = unify l env goals typ (typ_of x) in
let typ = subst_unifiers unifiers typ in
let nc = KBindings.fold (fun v arg nc -> constraint_subst v arg nc) unifiers nc in
let tyvars = KBindings.fold (fun v _ tyvars -> KidSet.remove v tyvars) unifiers tyvars in
(tyvars, nc, typ, Ok x :: xs)
else (
let x = crule check_exp env x typ in
(tyvars, nc, typ, Ok x :: xs)
(fun (tyvars, nc, typ_opt, xs) x ->
match typ_opt with
| Some typ ->
let goals = KidSet.inter tyvars (tyvars_of_typ typ) in
if not (KidSet.is_empty goals) then (
match irule infer_exp env x with
| exception Type_error _ -> (tyvars, nc, Some typ, Error x :: xs)
| x ->
let unifiers = unify l env goals typ (typ_of x) in
let typ = subst_unifiers unifiers typ in
let nc = KBindings.fold (fun v arg nc -> constraint_subst v arg nc) unifiers nc in
let tyvars = KBindings.fold (fun v _ tyvars -> KidSet.remove v tyvars) unifiers tyvars in
(tyvars, nc, Some typ, Ok x :: xs)
else (
let x = crule check_exp env x typ in
(tyvars, nc, Some typ, Ok x :: xs)
| None -> (
match irule infer_exp env x with
| exception Type_error _ -> (tyvars, nc, None, Error x :: xs)
| x -> (tyvars, nc, Some (typ_of x), Ok x :: xs)
(tyvars, nc, typ, []) xs
(tyvars, nc, typ_opt, []) xs
if KidSet.is_empty tyvars && prove __POS__ env nc then
Some (List.rev_map (function Ok x -> x | Error x -> crule check_exp env x typ) xs, typ)
else None
match typ_opt with
| Some typ ->
if KidSet.is_empty tyvars && prove __POS__ env nc then
Some (List.rev_map (function Ok x -> x | Error x -> crule check_exp env x typ) xs, typ)
else None
| None -> None

and check_block l env exps ret_typ =
let final env exp = match ret_typ with Some typ -> crule check_exp env exp typ | None -> irule infer_exp env exp in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3601,6 +3643,11 @@ and infer_exp env (E_aux (exp_aux, (l, uannot)) as exp) =
let vec_typ = dvector_typ env (nint (List.length vec)) (typ_of inferred_item) in
annot_exp (E_vector (inferred_item :: checked_items)) vec_typ
| E_list xs -> begin
match check_or_infer_sequence ~at:l env xs KidSet.empty nc_true None with
| Some (xs, elem_typ) -> annot_exp (E_list xs) (list_typ elem_typ)
| None -> typ_error l "Could not infer type of list literal"
| E_assert (test, msg) ->
let msg = assert_msg msg in
let checked_test = crule check_exp env test bool_typ in
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/lem/
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Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,8 @@

print('Sail is {}'.format(sail))
Expand Down
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions test/typecheck/pass/ex_list_infer.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
default Order dec

$include <prelude.sail>

register R : bool

register X : bits(32)

val test : unit -> {'n, 'n > 1. list(bits('n))}

function test() = {
if R then {
[| 0b00, 0b11 |]
} else {
[| match X { _ => 0b000 }, 0b001, 0b100 |]
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions test/typecheck/pass/list_infer.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
default Order dec

$include <prelude.sail>

val test : unit -> unit

function test() = {
let _ = [| 0b00, 0b11 |];

val test2 : unit -> unit

function test2() = {
let _ = [| match 0b00 { x => x }, 0b11 |];
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/typecheck/pass/list_infer/v1.expect
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Type error:
8 | let _ = [| 0b00, 0b11, 0b111 |];
 | ^---^
 | Failed to prove constraint: 3 == 2
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions test/typecheck/pass/list_infer/v1.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
default Order dec

$include <prelude.sail>

val test : unit -> unit

function test() = {
let _ = [| 0b00, 0b11, 0b111 |];

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