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Check mapping completeness
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Add basic mapdef completeness check, converting mpat to pat, then to gpat, and finally reusing the match checking logic
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trdthg committed Jul 27, 2024
1 parent 09ac4b2 commit 5fb2a22
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Showing 11 changed files with 181 additions and 5 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -218,7 +218,9 @@ let infer_def_direct_effects asserts_termination def =
effects := EffectSet.add IncompleteMatch !effects
| None -> Reporting.unreachable l __POS__ "Empty funcls in infer_def_direct_effects"
| DEF_aux (DEF_mapdef _, _) -> effects := EffectSet.add IncompleteMatch !effects
| DEF_aux (DEF_mapdef _, def_annot) ->
if Option.is_some (get_def_attribute "incomplete" def_annot) then
effects := EffectSet.add IncompleteMatch !effects
| DEF_aux (DEF_scattered _, _) -> effects := EffectSet.add Scattered !effects
| _ -> ()
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99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -953,4 +953,103 @@ module Make (C : Config) = struct

let is_complete ?(keyword = "match") l ctx cases head_exp_typ =
Option.is_some (is_complete_wildcarded ~keyword l ctx cases head_exp_typ)

let rec pat_of_mpat mpat =
match mpat with
| MP_aux (mpat_aux, l) ->
let res =
match mpat_aux with
| MP_lit lit -> P_lit lit
| MP_id id -> P_id id
| MP_app (id, mpat_list) -> P_app (id, (fun mpat -> pat_of_mpat mpat) mpat_list)
| MP_vector mpat_list -> P_vector ( (fun mpat -> pat_of_mpat mpat) mpat_list)
| MP_vector_concat mpat_list -> P_vector_concat ( (fun mpat -> pat_of_mpat mpat) mpat_list)
| MP_vector_subrange (id, l, r) -> P_vector_subrange (id, l, r)
| MP_tuple mpat_list -> P_tuple ( (fun mpat -> pat_of_mpat mpat) mpat_list)
| MP_list mpat_list -> P_list ( (fun mpat -> pat_of_mpat mpat) mpat_list)
| MP_cons (mpat1, mpat2) -> P_cons (pat_of_mpat mpat1, pat_of_mpat mpat2)
| MP_string_append mpat_list -> P_string_append ( (fun mpat -> pat_of_mpat mpat) mpat_list)
| MP_typ (mp1, atyp) -> P_typ (atyp, pat_of_mpat mp1)
| MP_struct id_mpat_list ->
let fpl = (fun (id, mpat) -> (id, pat_of_mpat mpat)) id_mpat_list in
P_struct (fpl, FP_no_wild)
| MP_as (mpat, id) -> (
match pat_of_mpat mpat with P_aux (pat, _id) -> pat
P_aux (res, l)

let is_complete_gpats ?(keyword = "match") l ctx have_guard gpats_matrix =
let res =
match matrix_is_complete l ctx gpats_matrix with
| Incomplete (unmatched :: _) ->
let guard_info = if have_guard then " by unguarded patterns" else "" in
Reporting.warn "Incomplete pattern match statement at" (shrink_loc keyword l)
("The following expression is unmatched" ^ guard_info ^ ": "
^ (string_of_exp unmatched |> Util.yellow |> Util.clear)
| Incomplete [] -> Reporting.unreachable l __POS__ "Got unmatched pattern matrix without witness" [@coverage off]
| Complete cinfo ->
(* let wildcarded_pats = (fun (_, pat) -> insert_wildcards cinfo pat) pats in *)
(fun (idx, _) ->
if IntSet.mem idx.num cinfo.redundant then
Reporting.warn "Redundant case" idx.loc "This match case is never used"
(rows_to_list gpats_matrix);
| Completeness_unknown -> false

let is_complete_mapcls_wildcarded ?(keyword = "match") l ctx mapcls typl typr =
let have_guard = false in
let rec lpat_of_mapcl mapcl left =
(* We don't consider guarded cases *)
let pat_of_mpexp = function
| MPat_aux (mpexp_aux, l) -> (
match mpexp_aux with MPat_when (mpat, exp) -> None | MPat_pat mpat -> Some (pat_of_mpat mpat)
let rec pexp_to_pat = function
| Pat_aux (Pat_exp ((P_aux (_, (l, _)) as pat), _), _) -> Some pat
| Pat_aux (Pat_when _, _) -> None
match mapcl with
| MCL_aux (mapcl_aux, _) ->
if left then (
match mapcl_aux with
| MCL_bidir (mpexp, _) -> pat_of_mpexp mpexp
| MCL_forwards pexp -> pexp_to_pat pexp
| MCL_backwards pexp -> None
else (
match mapcl_aux with
| MCL_bidir (_, mpexp) -> pat_of_mpexp mpexp
| MCL_forwards pexp -> None
| MCL_backwards pexp -> pexp_to_pat pexp
let rec opt_cases_to_pats from have_guard = function
| [] -> (have_guard, [])
| Some (P_aux (_, (l, _)) as pat) :: cases ->
let pat, from = number_pat from pat in
let have_guard, pats = opt_cases_to_pats from have_guard cases in
(have_guard, (l, pat) :: pats)
| _ :: cases -> opt_cases_to_pats from true cases
(* prepare left *)
let lpats = (fun mapcl -> lpat_of_mapcl mapcl true) mapcls in
let _, lpats = opt_cases_to_pats 0 have_guard lpats in
let lmatrix =
Rows (List.mapi (fun i (l, pat) -> ({ loc = l; num = i }, Columns [generalize ctx (Some typl) pat])) lpats)
(* prepare right *)
let rpats = (fun mapcl -> lpat_of_mapcl mapcl false) mapcls in
let _, rpats = opt_cases_to_pats 0 have_guard rpats in
let rmatrix =
Rows (List.mapi (fun i (l, pat) -> ({ loc = l; num = i }, Columns [generalize ctx (Some typr) pat])) rpats)
is_complete_gpats l ctx have_guard lmatrix && is_complete_gpats l ctx have_guard rmatrix
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/lib/pattern_completeness.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,4 +93,5 @@ module Make (C : Config) : sig
val is_complete_funcls_wildcarded :
?keyword:string -> Parse_ast.l -> ctx -> C.t funcl list -> typ -> C.t funcl list option
val is_complete : ?keyword:string -> Parse_ast.l -> ctx -> C.t pexp list -> typ -> bool
val is_complete_mapcls_wildcarded : ?keyword:string -> Parse_ast.l -> ctx -> C.t mapcl list -> typ -> typ -> bool
23 changes: 19 additions & 4 deletions src/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -4566,6 +4566,12 @@ let check_fundef env def_annot (FD_aux (FD_function (recopt, tannot_opt, funcls)

let check_mapdef_completeness l env mapcls typl typr =
let ctx = pattern_completeness_ctx env in
match PC.is_complete_mapcls_wildcarded l ctx mapcls typl typr with
| true -> add_def_attribute (gen_loc l) "complete" None
| false -> add_def_attribute (gen_loc l) "incomplete" None

let check_mapdef env def_annot (MD_aux (MD_mapping (id, tannot_opt, mapcls), (l, _))) =
typ_print (lazy ("\nChecking mapping " ^ string_of_id id));
let inline_tannot =
Expand All @@ -4582,11 +4588,11 @@ let check_mapdef env def_annot (MD_aux (MD_mapping (id, tannot_opt, mapcls), (l,
(Some vs_l, quant, typ)
| None, None -> typ_error l "Mapping does not have any declared type"
let typl, typr =
match typ with
| Typ_aux (Typ_bidir (_, _), _) -> ()
| Typ_aux (Typ_bidir (l, r), _) -> (l, r)
| _ -> typ_error l "Mapping type must be a bi-directional mapping"
(* If we have a val spec, then the mapping itself shouldn't be marked as private *)
let fix_body_visibility =
match (have_val_spec, def_annot.visibility) with
Expand All @@ -4607,7 +4613,16 @@ let check_mapdef env def_annot (MD_aux (MD_mapping (id, tannot_opt, mapcls), (l,
let mapcl_env = Env.add_typquant l quant env in
let mapcls = (fun mapcl -> check_mapcl mapcl_env mapcl typ) mapcls in
let def_annot = fix_body_visibility def_annot in

let update_attr =
Option.is_some (get_def_attribute "complete" def_annot)
|| Option.is_some (get_def_attribute "incomplete" def_annot)
then fun attrs -> attrs
else check_mapdef_completeness l env mapcls typl typr

let def_annot = fix_body_visibility (update_attr def_annot) in
let env = Env.define_val_spec id env in
( vs_def @ [DEF_aux (DEF_mapdef (MD_aux (MD_mapping (id, empty_tannot_opt, mapcls), (l, empty_tannot))), def_annot)],
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions test/pattern_completeness/mapping_let.sail
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
struct bool2 = {
field: bool,

mapping m : bool <-> bool2 = {
true <-> struct { field = true },
false <-> struct{ field = false },

let a = m(true)
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions test/pattern_completeness/warn_mapping.expect
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Warning: Incomplete pattern match statement at warn_mapping.sail:15.0-5:
15 |mapping bool_rev3 : bool <-> bool2 = {
The following expression is unmatched: struct { field = false }

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions test/pattern_completeness/warn_mapping.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
struct bool2 = {
field: bool,

mapping bool_rev : bool <-> bool2 = {
true <-> struct { field = true },
false <-> struct{ field = false },

mapping bool_rev2 : bool <-> bool2 = {
true <-> struct { field = false },
false <-> struct{ field = true },

mapping bool_rev3 : bool <-> bool2 = {
true <-> struct { field = true },
false <-> struct{ field = true },
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions test/pattern_completeness/warn_mapping_l.expect
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Warning: Incomplete pattern match statement at warn_mapping_l.sail:1.0-5:
1 |mapping m : bool <-> int = {
The following expression is unmatched: false

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions test/pattern_completeness/warn_mapping_l.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
mapping m : bool <-> int = {
forwards true => 1,
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions test/pattern_completeness/warn_mapping_r.expect
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Warning: Deprecated warn_mapping_r.sail:2.3-12:
2 | true => 1,
 | ^-------^
Single direction mapping clause should be prefixed by a direction, either forwards or backwards

Warning: Incomplete pattern match statement at warn_mapping_r.sail:1.0-5:
1 |mapping m : bool <-> int = {
The following expression is unmatched: false

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/pattern_completeness/warn_mapping_r.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
mapping m : bool <-> int = {
true => 1,
backwards 2 => false,

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