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Add type variable information also to other errors involving constraints
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bauereiss committed Nov 1, 2023
1 parent 4c10201 commit 16acd1a
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Showing 4 changed files with 27 additions and 16 deletions.
26 changes: 18 additions & 8 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ let rec subtyp l env typ1 typ2 =
let env = add_existential l ( (mk_kopt K_int) kids1) nc1 env in
let prop = nc_eq nexp1 nexp2 in
if prove __POS__ env prop then ()
else typ_raise l (Err_subtype (typ1, typ2, Some prop, Env.get_constraint_reasons env, Env.get_typ_var_locs env))
else typ_raise l (Err_subtype (typ1, typ2, Some prop, Env.get_constraint_reasons env, Env.get_typ_vars_info env))
| Some (kids1, nc1, nexp1), Some (kids2, nc2, nexp2) ->
let env = add_existential l ( (mk_kopt K_int) kids1) nc1 env in
let env =
Expand All @@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ let rec subtyp l env typ1 typ2 =
let env = Env.add_constraint (nc_eq nexp1 nexp2) env in
if prove __POS__ env nc2 then ()
typ_raise l (Err_subtype (typ1, typ2, Some nc2, Env.get_constraint_reasons env, Env.get_typ_var_locs env))
typ_raise l (Err_subtype (typ1, typ2, Some nc2, Env.get_constraint_reasons env, Env.get_typ_vars_info env))
| _ -> typ_error l ("Constraint " ^ string_of_n_constraint (nc_eq nexp1 nexp2) ^ " is not satisfiable")
| _, _ -> (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1126,17 +1126,17 @@ let rec subtyp l env typ1 typ2 =
if prove __POS__ env nc then ()
typ_raise l
(Err_subtype (typ1, typ2, Some nc, Env.get_constraint_reasons orig_env, Env.get_typ_var_locs env))
(Err_subtype (typ1, typ2, Some nc, Env.get_constraint_reasons orig_env, Env.get_typ_vars_info env))
| None, None ->
typ_raise l (Err_subtype (typ1, typ2, None, Env.get_constraint_reasons env, Env.get_typ_var_locs env))
typ_raise l (Err_subtype (typ1, typ2, None, Env.get_constraint_reasons env, Env.get_typ_vars_info env))

and subtyp_arg l env (A_aux (aux1, _) as arg1) (A_aux (aux2, _) as arg2) =
(lazy (("Subtype arg " |> |> Util.clear) ^ string_of_typ_arg arg1 ^ " and " ^ string_of_typ_arg arg2));
let raise_failed_constraint nc =
typ_raise l (Err_failed_constraint (nc, Env.get_locals env, Env.get_constraints env))
typ_raise l (Err_failed_constraint (nc, Env.get_locals env, Env.get_typ_vars_info env, Env.get_constraints env))
match (aux1, aux2) with
| A_nexp n1, A_nexp n2 ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2905,7 +2905,9 @@ and infer_lexp env (LE_aux (lexp_aux, (l, uannot)) as lexp) =
if !opt_no_lexp_bounds_check || prove __POS__ env check then
annot_lexp (LE_vector_range (inferred_v_lexp, inferred_exp1, inferred_exp2)) (bitvector_typ slice_len)
else typ_raise l (Err_failed_constraint (check, Env.get_locals env, Env.get_constraints env))
typ_raise l
(Err_failed_constraint (check, Env.get_locals env, Env.get_typ_vars_info env, Env.get_constraints env))
| _ -> typ_error l "Cannot assign slice of non vector type"
| LE_vector (v_lexp, exp) -> begin
Expand All @@ -2918,14 +2920,22 @@ and infer_lexp env (LE_aux (lexp_aux, (l, uannot)) as lexp) =
let bounds_check = nc_and (nc_lteq (nint 0) nexp) (nc_lt nexp len) in
if !opt_no_lexp_bounds_check || prove __POS__ env bounds_check then
annot_lexp (LE_vector (inferred_v_lexp, inferred_exp)) elem_typ
else typ_raise l (Err_failed_constraint (bounds_check, Env.get_locals env, Env.get_constraints env))
typ_raise l
(bounds_check, Env.get_locals env, Env.get_typ_vars_info env, Env.get_constraints env)
| Typ_app (id, [A_aux (A_nexp len, _)]) when id (mk_id "bitvector") = 0 ->
let inferred_exp = infer_exp env exp in
let nexp, env = bind_numeric l (typ_of inferred_exp) env in
let bounds_check = nc_and (nc_lteq (nint 0) nexp) (nc_lt nexp len) in
if !opt_no_lexp_bounds_check || prove __POS__ env bounds_check then
annot_lexp (LE_vector (inferred_v_lexp, inferred_exp)) bit_typ
else typ_raise l (Err_failed_constraint (bounds_check, Env.get_locals env, Env.get_constraints env))
typ_raise l
(bounds_check, Env.get_locals env, Env.get_typ_vars_info env, Env.get_constraints env)
| Typ_id id -> begin
match exp with
| E_aux (E_id field, _) ->
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -251,15 +251,16 @@ let message_of_type_error =
Line ("Could not resolve quantifiers for " ^ string_of_id id);
Line (bullet ^ " " ^ Util.string_of_list ("\n" ^ bullet ^ " ") string_of_quant_item quants);
| Err_failed_constraint (check, locals, ncs) ->
| Err_failed_constraint (check, locals, _, ncs) ->
Line ("Failed to prove constraint: " ^ string_of_n_constraint (constraint_simp check))
| Err_subtype (typ1, typ2, nc, all_constraints, all_vars) ->
| Err_subtype (typ1, typ2, nc, all_constraints, tyvars) ->
let nc = constraint_simp nc in
let typ1, typ2 = (simp_typ typ1, simp_typ typ2) in
let nc_vars = match nc with Some nc -> tyvars_of_constraint nc | None -> KidSet.empty in
(* Variables appearing in the types and constraint *)
let appear_vars =
KBindings.bindings all_vars
KBindings.bindings tyvars.vars
|> (fun (v, (l, _)) -> (v, l))
|> List.filter (fun (v, _) ->
KidSet.mem v (KidSet.union nc_vars (KidSet.union (tyvars_of_typ typ1) (tyvars_of_typ typ2)))
Expand All @@ -285,7 +286,7 @@ let message_of_type_error =
(fun (substs, new_vars) (v, _) ->
if is_kid_generated v || has_underscore v then (
let v' = readable_name v in
if (not (KBindings.mem v' all_vars)) && not (KidSet.mem v' new_vars) then
if (not (KBindings.mem v' tyvars.vars)) && not (KidSet.mem v' new_vars) then
(KBindings.add v (nvar v') substs, KidSet.add v' new_vars)
else (substs, new_vars)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/type_error.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ type type_error =
| Err_no_casts of uannot exp * typ * typ * type_error * type_error list
| Err_no_overloading of id * (id * type_error) list
| Err_unresolved_quants of id * quant_item list * (mut * typ) Bindings.t * type_variables * n_constraint list
| Err_failed_constraint of n_constraint * (mut * typ) Bindings.t * n_constraint list
| Err_subtype of typ * typ * n_constraint option * (constraint_reason * n_constraint) list * Ast.l KBindings.t
| Err_failed_constraint of n_constraint * (mut * typ) Bindings.t * type_variables * n_constraint list
| Err_subtype of typ * typ * n_constraint option * (constraint_reason * n_constraint) list * type_variables
| Err_no_num_ident of id
| Err_other of string
| Err_inner of type_error * Parse_ast.l * string * string option * type_error
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ type type_error =
| Err_no_casts of uannot exp * typ * typ * type_error * type_error list
| Err_no_overloading of id * (id * type_error) list
| Err_unresolved_quants of id * quant_item list * (mut * typ) Bindings.t * type_variables * n_constraint list
| Err_failed_constraint of n_constraint * (mut * typ) Bindings.t * n_constraint list
| Err_subtype of typ * typ * n_constraint option * (constraint_reason * n_constraint) list * Ast.l KBindings.t
| Err_failed_constraint of n_constraint * (mut * typ) Bindings.t * type_variables * n_constraint list
| Err_subtype of typ * typ * n_constraint option * (constraint_reason * n_constraint) list * type_variables
| Err_no_num_ident of id
| Err_other of string
| Err_inner of type_error * Parse_ast.l * string * string option * type_error
Expand Down

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