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Further error message improvements
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Alasdair committed May 4, 2024
1 parent a0dadc7 commit 0e956ef
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Showing 48 changed files with 386 additions and 360 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ let handle_input istate input =
print_endline ("Error: " ^ str);
| Type_error.Type_error (_, err) ->
print_endline (Type_error.string_of_type_error err);
print_endline (fst (Type_error.string_of_type_error err));
| Reporting.Fatal_error err ->
Reporting.print_error ~interactive:true err;
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,7 +226,8 @@ let rw_exp fixed target ok not_ok istate =
Reporting.warn "" l
("Type error when folding constants in "
^ string_of_exp (E_aux (e_aux, annot))
^ "\n" ^ Type_error.string_of_type_error err
^ "\n"
^ fst (Type_error.string_of_type_error err)
not_ok ();
E_aux (e_aux, annot)
Expand Down
15 changes: 5 additions & 10 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ let format_code_single' prefix hint fname in_chan lnum cnum_from cnum_to content
(blank_prefix ^ underline_single ppf.loc_color (adjust cnum_from) (adjust cnum_to) ^ format_hint ppf.loc_color hint)
contents { ppf with indent = blank_prefix ^ " " }
contents { ppf with indent = ppf.indent ^ blank_prefix ^ " " }
let underline_double_from color cnum_from eol =
Util.(String.make cnum_from ' ' ^ clear (color ("^" ^ String.make (eol - cnum_from - 1) '-')))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ let format_code_double' prefix fname in_chan lnum_from cnum_from lnum_to cnum_to
let line_to, adjust = unprintable_escape ~color:Util.(fun e -> e |> magenta |> clear) line_to in
format_endline (line_to_prefix ^ line_to) ppf;
format_endline (blank_prefix ^ underline_double_to ppf.loc_color (adjust cnum_to)) ppf;
contents { ppf with indent = blank_prefix ^ " " }
contents { ppf with indent = ppf.indent ^ blank_prefix ^ " " }
let format_code_single_fallback prefix fname lnum cnum_from cnum_to contents ppf =
let blank_prefix = String.make (String.length (string_of_int lnum)) ' ' ^ Util.(clear (ppf.loc_color " |")) in
format_endline (Printf.sprintf "%s%s:%d.%d-%d:" prefix (format_filename fname) lnum cnum_from cnum_to) ppf;
contents { ppf with indent = blank_prefix ^ " " }
contents { ppf with indent = ppf.indent ^ blank_prefix ^ " " }
let format_code_single prefix hint fname lnum cnum_from cnum_to contents ppf =
Expand All @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ let format_code_double_fallback prefix fname lnum_from cnum_from lnum_to cnum_to
(Printf.sprintf "%s%s:%d.%d-%d.%d:" prefix (format_filename fname) lnum_from cnum_from lnum_to cnum_to)
contents { ppf with indent = blank_prefix ^ " " }
contents { ppf with indent = ppf.indent ^ blank_prefix ^ " " }
let format_code_double prefix fname lnum_from cnum_from lnum_to cnum_to contents ppf =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,11 +244,6 @@ type message =
| Seq of message list
| Severity of severity * message
let rec messages_all_same = function
| (_, m1) :: (id2, m2) :: rest -> m1 = m2 && messages_all_same ((id2, m2) :: rest)
| [(_, m1)] -> true
| [] -> false
let bullet = Util.(clear (blue "*"))
let rec format_message msg ppf =
Expand All @@ -259,7 +254,7 @@ let rec format_message msg ppf =
| List list ->
let format_list_item ppf (header, msg) =
format_endline (Util.(clear (blue "*")) ^ " " ^ header) ppf;
format_message msg { ppf with indent = ppf.indent ^ " " }
format_message msg { ppf with indent = ppf.indent ^ " " }
List.iter (format_list_item ppf) list
| Severity (Sev_error, msg) -> format_message msg { ppf with loc_color = }
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ let fallthrough =
check_case env exc_typ
(mk_pexp (Pat_exp (mk_pat (P_id (mk_id "exn")), mk_exp (E_throw (mk_exp (E_id (mk_id "exn")))))))
with Type_error (l, err) -> Reporting.unreachable l __POS__ (string_of_type_error err)
with Type_error (l, err) -> Reporting.unreachable l __POS__ (fst (string_of_type_error err))

(* 1. Interpreter Monad *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -864,8 +864,7 @@ let rec eval_frame' = function

let eval_frame frame =
try eval_frame' frame
with Type_error.Type_error (l, err) -> raise (Reporting.err_typ l (Type_error.string_of_type_error err))
try eval_frame' frame with Type_error.Type_error (l, err) -> raise (Type_error.to_reporting_exn l err)

let default_effect_interp state eff =
let lstate, gstate = state in
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ let add_property_guards props ast =
would cause the runtime check x <= 100 to be added to the function body.\n\
To fix this error, ensure that all quantifiers have corresponding function arguments.\n"
raise (Reporting.err_typ pragma_l (Type_error.string_of_type_error err ^ msg))
let original_msg, hint = Type_error.string_of_type_error err in
raise (Reporting.err_typ ?hint pragma_l (original_msg ^ msg))
let mk_funcl p = FCL_aux (FCL_funcl (id, Pat_aux (p, pexp_aux)), fcl_aux) in
match pexp with
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27 changes: 14 additions & 13 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ type pos_or_loc = Loc of Parse_ast.l | Pos of Lexing.position

let fix_endline str = if str.[String.length str - 1] = '\n' then String.sub str 0 (String.length str - 1) else str

let print_err_internal p_l m1 m2 =
let print_err_internal hint p_l m1 m2 =
let open Error_format in
prerr_endline (m1 ^ ":");
match p_l with
| Loc l -> format_message (Location ("", None, l, Line (fix_endline m2))) err_formatter
| Pos p -> format_message (Location ("", None, Parse_ast.Range (p, p), Line (fix_endline m2))) err_formatter
| Loc l -> format_message (Location ("", hint, l, Line (fix_endline m2))) err_formatter
| Pos p -> format_message (Location ("", hint, Parse_ast.Range (p, p), Line (fix_endline m2))) err_formatter

let loc_to_string l =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ let short_loc_to_string l =
Printf.sprintf "%s:%d.%d-%d.%d" p1.pos_fname p1.pos_lnum (p1.pos_cnum - p1.pos_bol) p2.pos_lnum
(p2.pos_cnum - p2.pos_bol)

let print_err l m1 m2 = print_err_internal (Loc l) m1 m2
let print_err l m1 m2 = print_err_internal None (Loc l) m1 m2

type error =
| Err_general of Parse_ast.l * string
Expand All @@ -188,19 +188,20 @@ type error =
let issues = "\nPlease report this as an issue on GitHub at"

let dest_err ?(interactive = false) = function
| Err_general (l, m) -> (Util.("Error" |> yellow |> clear), Loc l, m)
| Err_general (l, m) -> (Util.("Error" |> yellow |> clear), None, Loc l, m)
| Err_unreachable (l, (file, line, _, _), backtrace, m) ->
if interactive then ("Error", Loc l, m)
if interactive then ("Error", None, Loc l, m)
( Printf.sprintf "Internal error: Unreachable code (at \"%s\" line %d)" file line,
Loc l,
m ^ "\n\n" ^ Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string backtrace ^ issues
| Err_todo (l, m) -> ("Todo", Loc l, m)
| Err_syntax (p, m) -> (Util.("Syntax error" |> yellow |> clear), Pos p, m)
| Err_syntax_loc (l, m) -> (Util.("Syntax error" |> yellow |> clear), Loc l, m)
| Err_lex (p, s) -> (Util.("Lexical error" |> yellow |> clear), Pos p, s)
| Err_type (l, _, m) -> (Util.("Type error" |> yellow |> clear), Loc l, m)
| Err_todo (l, m) -> ("Todo", None, Loc l, m)
| Err_syntax (p, m) -> (Util.("Syntax error" |> yellow |> clear), None, Pos p, m)
| Err_syntax_loc (l, m) -> (Util.("Syntax error" |> yellow |> clear), None, Loc l, m)
| Err_lex (p, s) -> (Util.("Lexical error" |> yellow |> clear), None, Pos p, s)
| Err_type (l, hint, m) -> (Util.("Type error" |> yellow |> clear), hint, Loc l, m)

exception Fatal_error of error

Expand All @@ -227,8 +228,8 @@ let forbid_errors ocaml_pos f x =
| Fatal_error (Err_type (l, _, m)) -> raise (err_unreachable l ocaml_pos m)

let print_error ?(interactive = false) e =
let m1, pos_l, m2 = dest_err ~interactive e in
print_err_internal pos_l m1 m2
let m1, hint, pos_l, m2 = dest_err ~interactive e in
print_err_internal hint pos_l m1 m2

(* Warnings *)

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2149,7 +2149,7 @@ let rewrite_vector_concat_assignments env defs =
try check_exp env full_exp unit_typ
with Type_error.Type_error (l, err) -> raise (Reporting.err_typ l (Type_error.string_of_type_error err))
with Type_error.Type_error (l, err) -> raise (Type_error.to_reporting_exn l err)
else E_aux (e_aux, annot)
Expand All @@ -2176,7 +2176,7 @@ let rewrite_tuple_assignments env defs =
let let_exp = mk_exp (E_let (mk_letbind pat (strip_exp exp'), block)) in
try check_exp env let_exp unit_typ
with Type_error.Type_error (l, err) -> raise (Reporting.err_typ l (Type_error.string_of_type_error err))
with Type_error.Type_error (l, err) -> raise (Type_error.to_reporting_exn l err)
| _ -> E_aux (e_aux, annot)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4576,7 +4576,7 @@ let rewrite effect_info env rewriters ast =
(1, (ast, effect_info, env))
with Type_error.Type_error (l, err) -> raise (Reporting.err_typ l (Type_error.string_of_type_error err))
with Type_error.Type_error (l, err) -> raise (Type_error.to_reporting_exn l err)

let () =
let open Interactive in
Expand Down
36 changes: 15 additions & 21 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ let check_function_instantiation l id env bind1 bind2 =
try direction (fun check_env typ1 typ2 -> subtyp l check_env typ1 typ2) bind1 bind2
with Type_error (l1, err1) -> (
try direction (fun check_env typ1 typ2 -> subtyp l check_env typ2 typ1) bind2 bind1
with Type_error (l2, err2) -> typ_raise l2 (Err_inner (err2, l1, "Also tried", None, err1))
with Type_error (l2, err2) -> typ_raise l2 (Err_inner (err2, l1, "Also tried", err1))

type pattern_duplicate = Pattern_singleton of l | Pattern_duplicate of l * l
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1752,8 +1752,7 @@ let rec lexp_assignment_type env (LE_aux (aux, (l, _))) =
Some "existing variable",
Err_other ""
Err_hint "existing variable"
| None, _ -> Declaration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1957,7 +1956,7 @@ let rec check_exp env (E_aux (exp_aux, (l, uannot)) as exp : uannot exp) (Typ_au
try crule check_exp env (E_aux (E_app (forwards_id, xs), (l, uannot))) typ
with Type_error (_, err1) ->
with Type_error (err1_loc, err1) ->
( lazy
("Trying backwards direction for mapping " ^ string_of_id mapping ^ "("
Expand All @@ -1966,8 +1965,8 @@ let rec check_exp env (E_aux (exp_aux, (l, uannot)) as exp : uannot exp) (Typ_au
try crule check_exp env (E_aux (E_app (backwards_id, xs), (l, uannot))) typ
with Type_error (_, err2) ->
typ_raise l (Err_no_overloading (mapping, [(forwards_id, err1); (backwards_id, err2)]))
with Type_error (err2_loc, err2) ->
typ_raise l (Err_no_overloading (mapping, [(forwards_id, err1_loc, err1); (backwards_id, err2_loc, err2)]))
| E_app (f, xs), _ when Env.is_overload f env ->
Expand All @@ -1978,9 +1977,9 @@ let rec check_exp env (E_aux (exp_aux, (l, uannot)) as exp : uannot exp) (Typ_au
| errs, f :: fs -> begin
typ_print (lazy ("Overload: " ^ string_of_id f ^ "(" ^ string_of_list ", " string_of_exp xs ^ ")"));
try crule check_exp env (E_aux (E_app (f, xs), (l, uannot))) typ
with Type_error (_, err) ->
with Type_error (err_l, err) ->
typ_debug (lazy "Error");
try_overload (errs @ [(f, err)], fs)
try_overload (errs @ [(f, err_l, err)], fs)
try_overload ([], overloads)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3048,12 +3047,8 @@ and infer_exp env (E_aux (exp_aux, (l, uannot)) as exp) =
| Register typ -> annot_exp (E_id v) typ
| Unbound _ -> (
match Bindings.find_opt v (Env.get_val_specs env) with
| Some _ ->
typ_error l
("Identifier " ^ string_of_id v ^ " is unbound (Did you mean to call the " ^ string_of_id v
^ " function?)"
| None -> typ_error l ("Identifier " ^ string_of_id v ^ " is unbound")
| Some _ -> typ_raise l (Err_unbound_id { id = v; locals = Env.get_locals env; have_function = true })
| None -> typ_raise l (Err_unbound_id { id = v; locals = Env.get_locals env; have_function = false })
| E_lit lit -> annot_exp (E_lit lit) (infer_lit env lit)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3140,7 +3135,7 @@ and infer_exp env (E_aux (exp_aux, (l, uannot)) as exp) =
try irule infer_exp env (E_aux (E_app (forwards_id, xs), (l, uannot)))
with Type_error (_, err1) ->
with Type_error (err1_loc, err1) ->
(* typ_print (lazy ("Error in forwards direction: " ^ string_of_type_error err1)); *)
( lazy
Expand All @@ -3150,9 +3145,9 @@ and infer_exp env (E_aux (exp_aux, (l, uannot)) as exp) =
try irule infer_exp env (E_aux (E_app (backwards_id, xs), (l, uannot)))
with Type_error (_, err2) ->
with Type_error (err2_loc, err2) ->
(* typ_print (lazy ("Error in backwards direction: " ^ string_of_type_error err2)); *)
typ_raise l (Err_no_overloading (mapping, [(forwards_id, err1); (backwards_id, err2)]))
typ_raise l (Err_no_overloading (mapping, [(forwards_id, err1_loc, err1); (backwards_id, err2_loc, err2)]))
| E_app (f, xs) when Env.is_overload f env ->
Expand All @@ -3163,9 +3158,9 @@ and infer_exp env (E_aux (exp_aux, (l, uannot)) as exp) =
| errs, f :: fs -> begin
typ_print (lazy ("Overload: " ^ string_of_id f ^ "(" ^ string_of_list ", " string_of_exp xs ^ ")"));
try irule infer_exp env (E_aux (E_app (f, xs), (l, uannot)))
with Type_error (_, err) ->
with Type_error (err_l, err) ->
typ_debug (lazy "Error");
try_overload (errs @ [(f, err)], fs)
try_overload (errs @ [(f, err_l, err)], fs)
try_overload ([], overloads)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4436,8 +4431,7 @@ let rec check_typedef : Env.t -> def_annot -> uannot type_def -> tannot def list
let defs, env =
try check_defs env defs
with Type_error (inner_l, err) ->
typ_raise l
(Err_inner (Err_other "Error while checking bitfield", inner_l, "Bitfield error", None, err))
typ_raise l (Err_inner (Err_other "Error while checking bitfield", inner_l, "Bitfield error", err))
let env = Env.add_bitfield id typ ranges env in
if !opt_no_bitfield_expansion then
Expand Down
29 changes: 6 additions & 23 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -406,8 +406,7 @@ let already_bound str id env =
( Err_other ("Cannot create " ^ str ^ " type " ^ string_of_id id ^ ", name is already bound"),
Some "previous binding",
Err_other ""
Err_hint "previous binding"
| None ->
Expand All @@ -432,8 +431,7 @@ let already_bound_ctor_fn str id env =
Some "previous binding",
Err_other ""
Err_hint "previous binding"
| None ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -984,9 +982,11 @@ let add_typ_synonym id typq arg env =
let get_val_specs env = filter_items env
let get_val_spec_orig id env =
try get_item (id_loc id) env (Bindings.find id
with Not_found -> typ_error (id_loc id) ("No function type found for " ^ string_of_id id)
with Not_found -> typ_raise (id_loc id) (Err_no_function_type { id; functions = get_val_specs env })
let get_val_spec_opt id env =
match Bindings.find_opt id with
Expand All @@ -1010,24 +1010,7 @@ let get_val_spec_opt id env =
let get_val_spec id env =
match get_val_spec_opt id env with
| Some (bind, _) -> bind
| None ->
(* Try to find the most similar function name, within reason, to include in the error *)
let closest = ref (Int.max_int, None) in
(fun other_id item ->
let id_str = string_of_id id in
let other_str = string_of_id other_id in
if abs (String.length id_str - String.length other_str) <= 2 then (
let distance = Util.levenshtein_distance ~osa:true id_str other_str in
let max_distance = min 4 (max 1 (String.length id_str - 3)) in
if distance <= max_distance && distance < fst !closest then closest := (distance, Some other_str)
let hint_msg = match snd !closest with Some other_str -> "\n\nDid you mean " ^ other_str ^ "?" | None -> "" in
typ_error (id_loc id) ("No function type found for " ^ string_of_id id ^ hint_msg)
let get_val_specs env = filter_items env
| None -> typ_raise (id_loc id) (Err_no_function_type { id; functions = get_val_specs env })
let add_union_id ?in_module id bind env =
if bound_ctor_fn env id then already_bound_ctor_fn "union constructor" id env
Expand Down

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