A Customizable Markdown Library for rendering Markdown in React Native with native components, working with both iOS & Android.
Custom markdown rules for your application is possible now without any regex learning. Just follow the simple guidelines shown bellow.
Install the node module:
$ yarn add react-native-markdown-formatter
or with npm:
$ npm install --save react-native-markdown-formatter
Then see Usage for futher details
$ cd MarkdownFormatter
$ npm install
$ react-native run-android/run-ios
If there is build issue with above command then try running it from Studio/XCode.
- '_italic_' will result in 'italic'.
- '**bold**' will result in 'bold'.
- '[Title](link)' will result in Title.
- '- bullet 1\r - bullet2\r - bulltet 3' will result in following way
. bullet 1 . bullet2 . bullet 3
- '1. numbered 1\r 2. numbered2\n 3. numbered 3' will result in following way
1. numbered 1 2. numbered2 3. numbered 3
To replace or to be added with default config.
{ type: 'italic', styles: [], pattern: ['-'], patternType: 'symmetric', groups:1, }
The above pattern will render '-italic-' in 'italic'.
{ type: 'bullet', styles: [], pattern: ['\\$[\\s]+((.*?)[\\n|\\r](?=\\$[\\s]+)|(.*?)$)'], patternType: 'custom', groups: 1, },
The above pattern will convert 'bullet list $ Item 1.1\r$ Item -2.2-\r$ Item 3\r' in following way:
bullet list . Item 1.1 . Item -2.2- . Item 3
{ type: 'customHeader1', styles: [styles.header1], pattern: ['**'], patternType: 'symmetric', groups: 1, }, { type: 'customHeader2', styles: [styles.header2], pattern: ['##'], patternType: 'symmetric', groups: 1, },
The above pattern will convert "This is a \n**header1** \nand \n##header2## \ntext" in following way:
This is a header1 (header1 style) and header2 (header2 style) text
Note: check the demo for better understanding.
One can create custom markdown based on project need and render it within text.
One can also send the whole regex itself with pattern type custom to have complete control on markdown to apply regex on text and render it.
import RNMarkdownFormatter from 'react-native-markdown-formatter';
let exampleTexts = [
"This is a _Italic_ text",
"This is a **Bold** text",
"This is a [Adaptive Cards](http://adaptivecards.io) hyperlink text",
"This is a **bullet** list - Item **1**.1\r- Item _2.2_\r- Item 3\r ",
"This is a _numbered_ list 1. _Green_\r2. Orange\r3. **Blue**\r",
"This is a custom markdown for bullet list $ Item **1**.1\r$ Item _2.2_\r$ Item 3\r ",
"This is a mixed **_bold/italic_** which also supports **_Type_One** _Type**Two**_ text",
"This is a mixed lists \n**bullet** list - Item **1**.1\r- Item _2.2_\r- Item 3\r and _numbered_ list 1. _Green_\r2. Orange\r3. **Blue**\r",
"This is a #header1# and ##header2## text",
In your Component
's render()
method you can then render markdown via JSX e.g.
defaultStyles={[]} // or textBlockComputedStyle
numberOfLines={0} // 1(no wrap text) or 0(wrap text)
regexArray={[]} // or customMarkdownFormatterRegex
Extra Features: User can also send their custom regex and styles also to apply on text.
//[Optional] user's custom config to be added to default configs
var customMarkdownFormatterRegex = [
type: 'bullet', // this will replace the default bullet config with user specified config.
styles: [],
pattern: ['\\$[\\s+](.*?)[\\n|\\r]'],
patternType: 'custom',
groups: 1,
type: 'italic',
styles: [],
pattern: ['-'],
patternType: 'symmetric',
type: 'customHeader1',
styles: [styles.header1],
pattern: ['#'],
patternType: 'symmetric',
groups: 1,
type: 'customHeader2',
styles: [styles.header2],
pattern: ['##'],
patternType: 'symmetric',
groups: 1,
//[Optional] TextBlock styles
let textBlockComputedStyle = [];
fontSize: 24,
margin: 10,
alignItems: 'flex-start'
// formatter default pattern configs which user does not have to pass to markdown
type: 'numbered',
styles: [],
pattern: ["\\d.", '\\r'],
patternType: 'start-end',
groups: 1,
type: 'bullet',
styles: [],
pattern: ['-', '\\r'],
patternType: 'start-end',
groups: 1,
type: 'bold',
styles: [styles.boldText],
pattern: ['**'],
patternType: 'symmetric',
groups: 1,
type: 'italic',
styles: [styles.italicText],
pattern: ['_'],
patternType: 'symmetric',
groups: 1,
type: 'hyperlink',
styles: [styles.hyperlinkText],
pattern: ['[]()'],
patternType: 'asymmetric',
groups: 2,
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- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
Submit bugs and help us verify fixes as they are checked in.