To create the mariadb database:
kubectl apply -f mysql-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f mysqlvolume.yaml
kubectl apply -f mysql-deployment.yaml
To create and populate the table "quotes":
$a = (kubectl get pods | select-string 'mysql') -match 'mysql([^\s]+)'; $podname = $matches[0]
kubectl cp ./create_database_quotesdb.sql ${podname}:/tmp/create_database_quotesdb.sql
kubectl cp ./ ${podname}:/tmp/
kubectl exec deploy/mysql -- /bin/bash ./tmp/
kubectl cp ./create_table_quotes.sql ${podname}:/tmp/create_table_quotes.sql
kubectl cp ./ ${podname}:/tmp/
kubectl exec deploy/mysql -- /bin/bash ./tmp/
kubectl cp ./populate_table_quotes.sql ${podname}:/tmp/populate_table_quotes_POWERSHELL.sql
kubectl cp ./quotes.csv ${podname}:/tmp/quotes.csv
kubectl cp ./ ${podname}:/tmp/
kubectl exec deploy/mysql -- /bin/bash ./tmp/
kubectl cp ./query_table_quotes.sql ${podname}:/tmp/query_table_quotes.sql
kubectl cp ./ ${podname}:/tmp/
kubectl exec deploy/mysql -- /bin/bash ./tmp/
(or simply run ./build_database.ps1)
export PODNAME=$(a=$(kubectl get pods | grep 'mysql') && set -- $a && echo $1)
kubectl cp ./create_database_quotesdb.sql $PODNAME:/tmp/create_database_quotesdb.sql
kubectl cp ./ $PODNAME:/tmp/
kubectl exec deploy/mysql -- /bin/bash ./tmp/
kubectl cp ./create_table_quotes.sql $PODNAME:/tmp/create_table_quotes.sql
kubectl cp ./ $PODNAME:/tmp/
kubectl exec deploy/mysql -- /bin/bash ./tmp/
kubectl cp ./populate_table_quotes.sql $PODNAME:/tmp/populate_table_quotes_BASH.sql
kubectl cp ./quotes.csv $PODNAME:/tmp/quotes.csv
kubectl cp ./ $PODNAME:/tmp/
kubectl exec deploy/mysql -- /bin/bash ./tmp/
kubectl cp ./query_table_quotes.sql $PODNAME:/tmp/query_table_quotes.sql
kubectl cp ./ $PODNAME:/tmp/
kubectl exec deploy/mysql -- /bin/bash ./tmp/