Build rich UIs with ease by combining the powers of Ruby, Slim and Meta-programming.
= container
= grid
= row
= column size: 16
= segment
= h2 text: "Its' easy!"
= row
= column computer: 8, tablet: 10, mobile: 16
= h1 text: 'Left Column'
| Left Column
= column computer: 8, tablet: 10, mobile: 16
= h1 text: 'Left Column
| Right Column
= row
= column size: 16, only: :computer
= segment 'secondary'
= h1 text: 'Computer Only'
- Because clean and redable code reduces cognitive load and speeds up development.
- Unlike css classes, misspelled functions throw errors, drastically reducing the debug time.
- First class integrations with Semantic UI and Vue.js
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'goodui'
And run
rake goodui:setup
This copies the initializer and a markup configuration file markup.yml with defaults for Semantic UI.
= container
= grid
= column computer: 8, tablet: 10, mobile: 16
= segment class: 'green'
p first paragraph
= column size: 16, only: :computer
= segment class: 'secondary'
= header tag: :h1, class: 'dividing', text: 'Big Header'
p second paragraph
The ui.yml file contains a list of all the UI elements along with their tags and default css classes.
tag: div
css_class: 'container'
tag: div
css_class: 'grid'
tag: div
css_class: 'wide column'
The ui elements can be accessed in views by calling them as a function
= grid
The will produce
<div class="ui grid"></div>
Notice that the semantic-ui class ui class was automatically added. This behavior can be disabled by setting ui property to false
tag: div
css_class: 'grid'
ui: off
The same functionl call
= grid
will now produce
<div class="grid"></div>
You can specify column size
= column size: 8
This will produce
<div class="eight wide column"></div>
You can specify different sizes for computer, tablet and mobile.
= column computer: 8, tablet: 6, mobile: 16
Will produce
<div class="eight wide computer ten wide tablet sixteen wide mobile wide column"></div>
You can make items only visible on computer, tablet and mobile.
= column only: :computer
Will produce
<div class="computer only wide column"></div>
You can add your own elements by customizing ui.yml.
tag: div
css_class: 'segment hero'
ui: off
calling the element function
= hero
h1 hello world
will produce
<div class="segment hero"><h1>Hello World</h1></div>
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.