Sample Phalcon project with ReactJs support. Based on React-PHP-V8Js.
It has 2 modes: development and production. Uses V8Js (optional) for JSX transpiling on the fly in development mode. If V8Js extension is not installed it uses Babel on client.
Client side rendering:
->getJs(__DIR__ . '/../views/' . $this->getPath() . '.jsx')
setTimeout(function() {
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(TableAdvanced, { url: "/index/getusers/" }), document.getElementById("table"));
}, 1);
Server side rendering:
$sources = [];
foreach ($this->react->config->reactBootstrap as $path) {
$sources[] = $this->react->loadFile($path);
$concatenated = implode(";\n", $sources);
$this->view->content =
__DIR__ . '/../views/' . $this->getPath() . '.jsx',