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Android Multi Slide Up Panel

This library provides an advanced way to add a multi draggable sliding up panel to your android project it's smoother than most of the other libraries available it's fully coded in java and easy to extend functionality a demo project is provided to see how this library is implemented.


Importing the Library

You can alternatively watch the Tutorial on youtube.

Simply add jitpack to your settings.gradle file

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Then add the following dependency to your project level build.gradle file to use the latest version:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.realgearinc:multi-sliding-up-panel:1.3.6'

Usage of Library

  • Include com.realgear.multislidinguppanel.MultiSlidingUpPanelLayout in your xml layout file set layout_width and layout_height attribute to match_parent and set your own id here I'll use multiSlideUpPanel as id.
  • You must add 1 child view only using xml it can be a viewpager, framelayout etc... with layout_width and layout_height attribute to match_parent

Please refer to sample code below to understand more.

    <!-- 1 child view is required -->
            android:layout_height="match_parent" />
  • Now to add a slide panel you will have to create a new layout file and extend BasePanelView class then write a few lines of code.

  • Create a layout file, I'll name my layout file layout_panel you can add a TextView inside it.

Sample code of my layout file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:text="Panel Count"

  • Now you have to create a new java file, I'll name it Panel you can set a different name then extend it to BasePanelView

Sample Code:


import com.realgear.multislidingpanel.BasePanelView;

public class Panel extends BasePanelView {

  • Next we'll have to implement three methods onCreateView(),onBindView() and onPanelStateChanged(int panelState) and "create a constructor matching our super" inside the constructor add another parameter for MultiSlidingUpPanelLayout refer to sample code for more info.

Sample Code inside Panel class:

    public Panel1(@NonNull Context context, MultiSlidingUpPanelLayout panelLayout) {

    public void onCreateView() { }

    public void onBindView() { }

    public void onPanelStateChanged(int panelSate) { }
  • Now inside the constructor below add the following lines.
// These 2 lines are required 
getContext().setTheme(; // Your projects theme
LayoutInflater.from(getContext().inflate(R.layout.layout_panel, this, true);
  • Next add these lines inside onCreateView() void.
// The panel will be collapsed on start of application

// The panel will slide up and down

// Sets the panels peak height
  • The required code is done inside Panel now we will go to our MainActivity class and add these lines inside onCreate() void.
    MultiSlidingUpPanelLayout panelLayout = findViewById(;
    List<Class<?>> items = new ArrayList<>();
    // You add your panels here it can be different classes with different layouts
    // but they all should extend the BasePanelView class with same constructors
    // You can add 1 or more then 1 panels
    // This is to listen on all the panels you can add methods or extend the class
    panelLayout.setPanelStateListener(new PanelStateListener(panelLayout) {});
    // The adapter handles the items you can also extend it but I don't recommend for
    // beginners
    panelLayout.setAdapter(new Adapter(getBaseContext(), items) {});
  • That's all


This library is based on the open-source SlidingUpPanelLayout library. Thanks to woxingxiao


Tested on Android 7.0+


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.