Coffee Shop.
git clone x
# Copy and fill up the environment variables.
cp .docker/.env.dist .docker/.env
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yml build
# Ref:
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yml up
# Starts the containers in the background and leaves them running.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yml up --detach
# Get the name of the existing container (exited and running services)
docker ps -a
# Instance a bash shell in the container
docker exec -it <container name> [ /bin/bash | bash | sh ]
# Turn off the all the services, make sure to run this to release the resources provisioned into the host.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yml down
# You should require a new bash if the containers are running on live mode instead of detach.
# If the "build" already was executed, just go the `run` stage.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yml build
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yml run --rm cli <your-command>
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yml down
# Run the next command on the host machine, not inside containers.
export ENDPOINT=""
# Check if the endpoint `ENDPOINT` it is listening inbound requests.
wget --spider --server-response ${ENDPOINT} 2>&1 | grep 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
# Alternative use `curl`.
curl ${ENDPOINT}
# Got the object defined by the endpoint.
> {"Hello":"World"}
# Instance a bash session into the `cli` service.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yml run --rm cli bash
# Previously, install `postgres` in order to check if is ready for accepting connections.
pg_isready --host=$POSTGRES_HOST --username=$POSTGRES_USER --port=$POSTGRES_PORT
> host:5432 - accepting connections
# Connect into the db from the `cli` container
docker compose version
> Docker Compose version v2.15.1
docker version
> Client:
Cloud integration: v1.0.29
Version: 20.10.22
API version: 1.41
Go version: go1.18.9
Git commit: 3a2c30b
Built: Thu Dec 15 22:28:41 2022
OS/Arch: darwin/arm64
Context: default
Experimental: true
Some activities need to be done before fully release this project:
- Set unit testing along core logic flows;
- Apply a more concise MVC pattern in order to decouple logic from the endpoints;
- Apply a small CI pipeline related with QA and static typing ("autopep8", "isort", "pydocstyle", "pylint", "radon");
- Add a more readable documentation about the entire app;
- Add a Postman collection in order to fully replicate the REST API in a more easier way;
- Improve the error message at the "db" service.
🇺🇾 | 🇻🇪