[SDK-934] - initialize request in property #309
GitHub Actions / 2021.3.32f1 playmode tests result
May 6, 2024 in 0s
❌️ 2021.3.32f1 playmode tests result - 7/8, failed: 1 - Failed in 7.723s
❌️ playmode-results.xml - 7/8, failed: 1 - Failed in 7.723s
❌️ playmode-results.xml - 7/8, failed: 1 - Failed in 7.723s
- ✅ ReadyPlayerMe.Tests.ExtrasTest - 6/6 - Passed in 4.640s
- ✅ AudioProviderType_AudioClip - Passed in 0.577s
- ✅ AudioProviderType_Microphone - Passed in 1.012s
- ✅ AudioSource_Attached_On_Start - Passed in 0.511s
- ✅ Check_Mouth_Open_Change - Passed in 1.513s
- ✅ Play_Current_AudioClip - Passed in 0.515s
- ✅ Play_Given_AudioClip - Passed in 0.511s
- ❌️ ReadyPlayerMe.Tests.EyeAnimationTests - 1/2, failed: 1 - Failed in 3.022s
❌️ Check_Eye_Blink_Change - Failed in 2.020s
Expected: greater than or equal to 1.0f
But was: 0.0fThe 'eyeBlinkLeft' & 'eyeBlinkRight' morph targets are required for EyeAnimationHandler.cs but they were not found on Avatar mesh! Use an AvatarConfig to specify the morph targets to be included on loaded avatars. [Ready Player Me] ExtensionMethods: Mesh type BeardMesh not found on the Game Object Female-Single-Mesh(Clone). [Ready Player Me] ExtensionMethods: Mesh type TeethMesh not found on the Game Object Female-Single-Mesh(Clone). at ReadyPlayerMe.Tests.EyeAnimationTests.Check_Eye_Blink_Change () [0x00151] in Assets/Tests/Runtime/EyeAnimationTests.cs:75 at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestRunner.TestTaskWrapper+<Execute>d__2.MoveNext () [0x00074] in Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/TestRunner/TestTaskWrapper.cs:31 at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46
✅ Check_Eye_Rotation_Change - Passed in 1.003s
Check failure on line 75 in Assets/Tests/Runtime/EyeAnimationTests.cs
github-actions / 2021.3.32f1 playmode tests result
Expected: greater than or equal to 1.0f
But was: 0.0f
Raw output
The 'eyeBlinkLeft' & 'eyeBlinkRight' morph targets are required for EyeAnimationHandler.cs but they were not found on Avatar mesh! Use an AvatarConfig to specify the morph targets to be included on loaded avatars.
[Ready Player Me] ExtensionMethods: Mesh type BeardMesh not found on the Game Object Female-Single-Mesh(Clone).
[Ready Player Me] ExtensionMethods: Mesh type TeethMesh not found on the Game Object Female-Single-Mesh(Clone).
at ReadyPlayerMe.Tests.EyeAnimationTests.Check_Eye_Blink_Change () [0x00151] in /github/workspace/Assets/Tests/Runtime/EyeAnimationTests.cs:75
at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestRunner.TestTaskWrapper+<Execute>d__2.MoveNext () [0x00074] in /github/workspace/Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/TestRunner/TestTaskWrapper.cs:31
at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in /github/workspace/Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46