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ceavinrufus authored Apr 10, 2024
2 parents aa3f343 + 3e413dd commit 1ce340a
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Showing 2 changed files with 53 additions and 53 deletions.
42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions src/content/reference/react/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
title: React Reference Overview
title: "Ikhtisar Referensi React"


This section provides detailed reference documentation for working with React. For an introduction to React, please visit the [Learn](/learn) section.
Bagian ini menyediakan dokumentasi referensi yang mendetail untuk bekerja dengan React. Untuk pengenalan tentang React, Silahkan kunjungi bagian [Learn](/learn).


The React reference documentation is broken down into functional subsections:
Dokumentasi referensi React dibagi menjadi beberapa sub-bagian fungsional:

## React {/*react*/}

Programmatic React features:
Fitur-fitur React yang diprogram:

* [Hooks](/reference/react/hooks) - Use different React features from your components.
* [Components](/reference/react/components) - Documents built-in components that you can use in your JSX.
* [APIs](/reference/react/apis) - APIs that are useful for defining components.
* [Directives](/reference/react/directives) - Provide instructions to bundlers compatible with React Server Components.
* [*Hooks*](/reference/react/hooks) — Gunakan fitur React yang berbeda dari komponen Anda.
* [Components](/reference/react/components) — Mendokumentasikan komponen bawaan yang dapat digunakan di JSX Anda.
* [API](/reference/react/apis) — API yang berguna untuk mendefinisikan komponen.
* [Directives](/reference/react/directives) — Menyediakan instruksi ke *bundler* yang kompatibel dengan React Server Component.

## React DOM {/*react-dom*/}

React-dom contains features that are only supported for web applications (which run in the browser DOM environment). This section is broken into the following:
React-dom berisi fitur-fitur yang hanya didukung untuk aplikasi web (yang berjalan di lingkungan peramban DOM). Bagian ini dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian berikut ini:

* [Hooks](/reference/react-dom/hooks) - Hooks for web applications which run in the browser DOM environment.
* [Components](/reference/react-dom/components) - React supports all of the browser built-in HTML and SVG components.
* [APIs](/reference/react-dom) - The `react-dom` package contains methods supported only in web applications.
* [Client APIs](/reference/react-dom/client) - The `react-dom/client` APIs let you render React components on the client (in the browser).
* [Server APIs](/reference/react-dom/server) - The `react-dom/server` APIs let you render React components to HTML on the server.
* [*Hooks*](/reference/react-dom/hooks) *Hooks* untuk aplikasi web yang berjalan di lingkungan peramban DOM.
* [Komponen](/reference/react-dom/components) React mendukung semua komponen HTML dan SVG bawaan peramban.
* [API](/reference/react-dom) — Paket `react-dom` berisi metode-metode yang hanya didukung dalam aplikasi web.
* [API Klien](/reference/react-dom/client) — API `react-dom/client` memungkinkan Anda untuk me-*render* komponen React pada klien (di peramban).
* [API Server](/reference/react-dom/server) — API `react-dom/server` memungkinkan Anda untuk me-*render* komponen React ke HTML di server.

## Rules of React {/*rules-of-react*/}
## Aturan React {/*rules-of-react*/}

React has idiomsor rulesfor how to express patterns in a way that is easy to understand and yields high-quality applications:
React memiliki idiomatau aturantentang cara mengekspresikan pola dengan cara yang mudah dimengerti dan menghasilkan aplikasi berkualitas tinggi:

* [Components and Hooks must be pure](/reference/rules/components-and-hooks-must-be-pure) – Purity makes your code easier to understand, debug, and allows React to automatically optimize your components and hooks correctly.
* [React calls Components and Hooks](/reference/rules/react-calls-components-and-hooks) React is responsible for rendering components and hooks when necessary to optimize the user experience.
* [Rules of Hooks](/reference/rules/rules-of-hooks) Hooks are defined using JavaScript functions, but they represent a special type of reusable UI logic with restrictions on where they can be called.
* [Komponen dan *Hooks* harus murni](/reference/rules/components-and-hooks-must-be-pure) — Kemurnian membuat kode Anda lebih mudah dipahami, di-*debug*, dan memungkinkan React untuk secara otomatis mengoptimalkan komponen dan *Hook* Anda dengan benar.
* [React memanggil Komponen dan *Hooks*](/reference/rules/react-calls-components-and-hooks) React bertanggung jawab untuk me-*render* komponen dan *Hooks* ketika diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan pengalaman pengguna.
* [Peraturan *Hooks*](/reference/rules/rules-of-hooks) *Hooks* didefinisikan menggunakan fungsi JavaScript, tetapi *Hooks* merepresentasikan tipe khusus dari logika UI yang dapat digunakan kembali dengan batasan di mana *Hooks* tersebut dapat dipanggil.

## Legacy APIs {/*legacy-apis*/}
## API Lama {/*legacy-apis*/}

* [Legacy APIs](/reference/react/legacy) - Exported from the `react` package, but not recommended for use in newly written code.
* [API Lama](/reference/react/legacy) — Diekspor dari paket `react`, tetapi tidak direkomendasikan untuk digunakan pada kode yang baru ditulis.
64 changes: 32 additions & 32 deletions src/content/reference/rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
title: Rules of Hooks
title: Peraturan Hooks

Hooks are defined using JavaScript functions, but they represent a special type of reusable UI logic with restrictions on where they can be called.
Hooks didefinisikan menggunakan fungsi JavaScript, tetapi Hooks merepresentasikan tipe khusus dari logika UI yang dapat digunakan kembali dengan batasan di mana hooks tersebut dapat dipanggil.

<InlineToc />


## Only call Hooks at the top level {/*only-call-hooks-at-the-top-level*/}
## Panggil *Hooks* hanya di tingkat atas {/*only-call-hooks-at-the-top-level*/}

Functions whose names start with `use` are called [*Hooks*](/reference/react) in React.
Fungsi-fungsi yang namanya berawalan `use` disebut [*Hooks*](/reference/react) dalam React.

**Don’t call Hooks inside loops, conditions, nested functions, or `try`/`catch`/`finally` blocks.** Instead, always use Hooks at the top level of your React function, before any early returns. You can only call Hooks while React is rendering a function component:
**Jangan memanggil *Hooks* di dalam pengulangan, kondisi, fungsi bersarang, atau blok `try`/`catch`/`finally`.** Sebagai gantinya, selalu gunakan Hooks di tingkat teratas fungsi React Anda, sebelum kembalian awal apapun. Anda hanya dapat memanggil *Hooks* ketika React sedang me-*render* komponen fungsi:

*Call them at the top level in the body of a [function component](/learn/your-first-component).
*Call them at the top level in the body of a [custom Hook](/learn/reusing-logic-with-custom-hooks).
*Panggil *Hooks* di tingkat teratas di dalam [komponen fungsi](/learn/your-first-component).
*Panggil *Hooks* di tingkat teratas di dalam [*Hook* kustom](/learn/reusing-logic-with-custom-hooks).

function Counter() {
// ✅ Good: top-level in a function component
// ✅ Baik: tingkat atas dalam komponen fungsi
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
// ...
function useWindowWidth() {
// ✅ Good: top-level in a custom Hook
// ✅ Baik: tingkat atas dalam Hook kustom
const [width, setWidth] = useState(window.innerWidth);
// ...

It’s **not** supported to call Hooks (functions starting with `use`) in any other cases, for example:
Memanggil Hooks (fungsi yang dimulai dengan `use`) dalam kasus penggunaan lainnya **tidak** diduking, misalnya:

* 🔴 Do not call Hooks inside conditions or loops.
* 🔴 Do not call Hooks after a conditional `return` statement.
* 🔴 Do not call Hooks in event handlers.
* 🔴 Do not call Hooks in class components.
* 🔴 Do not call Hooks inside functions passed to `useMemo`, `useReducer`, or `useEffect`.
* 🔴 Do not call Hooks inside `try`/`catch`/`finally` blocks.
* 🔴 Jangan memanggil *Hooks* di dalam kondisional atau pengulangan.
* 🔴 Jangan memanggil *Hooks* setelah pernyataan `return` kondisional.
* 🔴 Jangan memanggil *Hooks* di dalam *event handler*.
* 🔴 Jangan memanggil *Hooks* di dalam komponen kelas.
* 🔴 Jangan memanggil *Hooks* di dalam fungsi yang dioper ke `useMemo`, `useReducer`, atau `useEffect`.
* 🔴 Jangan memanggil *Hooks* di dalam blok `try`/`catch`/`finally`.

If you break these rules, you might see this error.
Jika Anda melanggar peraturan ini, kemungkinan Anda akan melihat *error* berikut.

function Bad({ cond }) {
if (cond) {
// 🔴 Bad: inside a condition (to fix, move it outside!)
// 🔴 Buruk: di dalam kondisional (untuk memperbaiki, pindahkan ke luar!)
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
// ...
function Bad() {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// 🔴 Bad: inside a loop (to fix, move it outside!)
// 🔴 Buruk: di dalam pengulangan (untuk memperbaiki, pindahkan ke luar!)
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
// ...
Expand All @@ -65,22 +65,22 @@ function Bad({ cond }) {
if (cond) {
// 🔴 Bad: after a conditional return (to fix, move it before the return!)
// 🔴 Buruk: setelah pengembalian kondisional (untuk memperbaiki, pindahkan ke sebelum return!)
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
// ...
function Bad() {
function handleClick() {
// 🔴 Bad: inside an event handler (to fix, move it outside!)
// 🔴 Buruk: di dalam event handler (untuk memperbaiki, pindahkan ke luar!)
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
// ...
function Bad() {
const style = useMemo(() => {
// 🔴 Bad: inside useMemo (to fix, move it outside!)
// 🔴 Buruk: di dalam useMemo (untuk memperbaiki, pindahkan ke luar!)
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
return createStyle(theme);
Expand All @@ -89,47 +89,47 @@ function Bad() {
class Bad extends React.Component {
render() {
// 🔴 Bad: inside a class component (to fix, write a function component instead of a class!)
// 🔴 Buruk: di dalam komponen kelas (untuk memperbaiki, buat komponen fungsi dan bukan komponen kelas!)
useEffect(() => {})
// ...
function Bad() {
try {
// 🔴 Bad: inside try/catch/finally block (to fix, move it outside!)
// 🔴 Buruk: di dalam blok try/catch/finally (untuk memperbaiki, pindahkan ke luar!)
const [x, setX] = useState(0);
} catch {
const [x, setX] = useState(1);

You can use the [`eslint-plugin-react-hooks` plugin]( to catch these mistakes.
Anda dapat menggunakan [plugin `eslint-plugin-react-hooks`]( untuk menangkap kesalahan-kesalahan ini.


[Custom Hooks](/learn/reusing-logic-with-custom-hooks) *may* call other Hooks (that's their whole purpose). This works because custom Hooks are also supposed to only be called while a function component is rendering.
[*Hooks* kustom](/learn/reusing-logic-with-custom-hooks) *mungkin* memanggil *Hooks* lain (memang itu tujuannya). Ini bekerja karena *Hooks* kustom juga seharusnya hanya dipanggil saat komponen fungsi sedang di-*render*.



## Only call Hooks from React functions {/*only-call-hooks-from-react-functions*/}
## Panggil *Hooks* hanya dari fungsi React {/*only-call-hooks-from-react-functions*/}

Don’t call Hooks from regular JavaScript functions. Instead, you can:
Jangan memanggil *Hooks* dari fungsi JavaScript reguler. Sebagai gantinya, Anda dapat:

Call Hooks from React function components.
Call Hooks from [custom Hooks](/learn/reusing-logic-with-custom-hooks#extracting-your-own-custom-hook-from-a-component).
Memanggil *Hooks* dari komponen fungsi React.
Memanggil *Hooks* dari [*Hooks* kustom](/learn/reusing-logic-with-custom-hooks#extracting-your-own-custom-hook-from-a-component).

By following this rule, you ensure that all stateful logic in a component is clearly visible from its source code.
Dengan mengikuti peraturan ini, Anda memastikan semua logika *stateful* dalam suatu komponen terlihat jelas dari kode sumbernya.

```js {2,5}
function FriendList() {
const [onlineStatus, setOnlineStatus] = useOnlineStatus(); //

function setOnlineStatus() { //Not a component or custom Hook!
function setOnlineStatus() { //Bukan sebuah komponen atau Hooks kustom!
const [onlineStatus, setOnlineStatus] = useOnlineStatus();

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