Helper utilities for OpenFOAM blockMeshDict generation.
The aim of ofblocmeshdicthekper is to provide name-based access to the elements of blockDictMesh file, such as vertex, block, face, etc.
From PyPI simply,
pip install ofblockmeshdicthelper
Or, it is allowed to install directory from github repository (this or your own forked one).
Here is an example which generate wedged model shown at
""" example of ofblockmeshdicthelper
try to generate wedged pype object shown at
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import math
from ofblockmeshdicthelper import BlockMeshDict, Vertex, SimpleGrading
wedgedegree = 5.0
# geometries
radius_x = 0.19
length_z = 1.1
# prepare ofblockmeshdicthelper.BlockMeshDict instance to
# gather vertices, blocks, faces and boundaries.
bmd = BlockMeshDict()
# set metrics
# base vertices which are rotated +- 2.5 degrees
basevs = [
Vertex(0, 0, 0, 'v0'),
Vertex(radius_x, 0, 0, 'v1'),
Vertex(radius_x, 0, length_z, 'v2'),
Vertex(0, 0, length_z, 'v3')]
# rotate wedgedegree/2 around z axis
# rotated vertices are named with '-y' or '+y' suffix.
# these verteces are added to BlockMeshDict instence to be referred
# by following blocks and faces...
cosd = math.cos(math.radians(wedgedegree/2.0))
sind = math.sin(math.radians(wedgedegree/2.0))
for v in basevs:
bmd.add_vertex(v.x*cosd, -v.x*sind, v.z,'-y')
bmd.add_vertex(v.x*cosd, v.x*sind, v.z,'+y')
# v0+y and v3+y have same coordinate as v0-y and v3-y, respectively.
bmd.reduce_vertex('v0-y', 'v0+y')
bmd.reduce_vertex('v3-y', 'v3+y')
# utility to to generate vertex names
def vnamegen(x0z0, x1z0, x1z1, x0z1):
return (x0z0+'-y', x1z0+'-y', x1z0+'+y', x0z0+'+y',
x0z1+'-y', x1z1+'-y', x1z1+'+y', x0z1+'+y')
# Noted that 'v0+y' and 'v3+y' are still valid.
# you may define simplegrading and multigrading (for OF>=2.4) optionally.
b0 = bmd.add_hexblock(vnamegen('v0', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3'),
(19, 1, 300),
((0.2, 0.3, 4),
(0.6, 0.4, 1),
(0.2, 0.3, 1.0/4.0)),
# face element of block can be generated by Block.face method
bmd.add_boundary('wedge', 'front', [b0.face('s')])
bmd.add_boundary('wedge', 'back', [b0.face('n')])
bmd.add_boundary('wall', 'tankWall', [b0.face('e')])
bmd.add_boundary('patch', 'inlet', [b0.face('b')])
bmd.add_boundary('patch', 'outlet', [b0.face('t')])
bmd.add_boundary('empty', 'axis', [b0.face('w')])
# prepare for output
# output