A small Django-based application for managing stutent's exercises, exams etc.
To create the database from scratch, run:
./manage.py syncdb --all ./manage.py migrate --fake
If $LANG is not set:
LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 ./manage.py syncdb --all
To update an existing database after a code change:
./manage.py migrate
To start the server:
./manage.py runserver
- lecture::
- lecture name for headings
- subject_translation::
- translation from long subject name to short name, used in import registration data, json dictionary: {"Electrical Engineering": "ET", "Optionalbereich": "Opt"}
- bonus1, bonus2::
- minimal points for 1/3, 2/3 bonus on exam mark
- maxpoints::
- maximal points over all sheets
- query_exam_pointstep::
- stepsize for grouping exam points
- mark_limits::
- list of point-mark-tuples; point is minimum point value for this mark list in json format: [[point, mark], ...] order by decreasing points
- import student data (CSV)::
- matrikel number last name first name subject semester group
- import exercise data, exercise table (CSV)::
- matrikel number sheet number points
- import exercise data, big table (CSV)::
- matrikel number points sheet 1 points sheet 2 ... points sheet n
- import exam data::
- subject line 'subject: <subject>' followed by lines containing::
- number (ignored) last name first name matrikel number resit count
If last and/or first name contain more than one first/last name, then last name must be separated by two or more spaces.
Use 'pdftotext -layout anmeldungen.pdf' to create text file from pdf and preserve table structure.
- import registration data (CSV or Wusel-style XLS)::
- matrikel number last name first name email (ignored) subject ('translation' via static data key subject_translation) p version (ignored) semester status priority group ('translation' via static data key group_translation)
enter virtualenv:
workon studmgr
leave virtualenv:
new fields added to db table; generates migration file:
./manage.py schemamigration student_manager --auto ./manage.py migrate