Daily Offline Meeting Planner
A Flutter application to build a meeting planner to manage the meeting room during office hours.
- Show meeting room bookings for selected date (Default: current date)
- User should able to switch the date and view the bookings
- User should be able to go to detail screen and cancel the booking if required
- Option to Add a new booking
- Title and Description.
- Meeting Time/Date
- Meeting duration (Default: 30 mins)
- Choose Meeting Room
- Priority - High/Medium/Low
- Reminder - as needed before 24hrs,15 mins,30 mins (Default - 15 mins) Notification should be popped up during reminder.
- Update Office Hours (Default: 9am to 5pm)
- Meeting rooms colour code
- Convert Timezone
- Notification On/Off
- Meeting conflicts
- Date, Time duration based on timezone
- Conflicts betwern Reminder timings and meeting timings
- Cancel Notifications