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Technical Overview
<Language> ::= <Code Block>
<Code Block> ::= "{" (({<Code Line>}?)<EndLine>*)* "}"
<Code Line> ::= <Statement>{;<Statement>}
<Statement> ::= <Declaration> | <Assignment> | <Instruction>
<Declaration> ::= <type> (<variable Declaration> | <Array Declaration>)
<Variable Declaration> ::= <String Declaration> | <Regular Declaration>
<Regular Declaration> ::= <Variable>
<String Declaration> ::= <Regular Declaration> "(" <number> ")"
<Array Declaration> ::= <String Array Declaration> | <Regular Array Declaration>
<String Array Declaration> ::= "[" <Number> "]" <String Declaration>
<Regular Array Declaration> ::= "[" <Number> "]" <Regular Declaration>
<Type> ::= "int" | "float" | "string" | "double"
<Variable> ::= <Alpha> <Alphanumeric> *
<Alpha> ::= "a"..."z"
<Alphanumeric> ::= <Alpha> | <Number>
<Number> ::= {"-"} (( "1"..."9" )* ( "." ( "0"..."9" )*)) | ( "0." ( "0"..."9" )*)
<assignment> ::= <Variable> "=" <Boolean Expression>
<Boolean Expression> ::= <\And Expression> (<Or Operator> <And Expression>)*
<And Expression> ::= <Not Expression> (<And Operator> <Not Expression>)*
<Not Expression> ::= <Not Operator> ? <Relation>
<Relation> ::= <Expression> (<Relational Operator> <Expression>)?
<Expression> ::= <Multiplication Expression>(<Add Operator> <Multiplication Expression>)*
<Multiplication Expression> ::= <Factor> (<Multiplication Operator> <Factor>)*
<Factor> ::= "(" <Expression> ")" | <variable> | <Number>
<Or Operator> ::= "||"
<And Operator> ::= "&&"
<Not Operator> ::= "!"
<Relational Operator> ::= "==" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="
<Add Operator> ::= "+" | "-"
<Multiplication Operator> ::= "*" | "/"
<Endline> ::= LF|CRLF|EndFile
<instruction> ::= <if> | <while> | <for> | <print> | <read> ...
<if> ::= "if(" <Boolean Expression> ")" <Code Block>
<while> ::= "while(" <Boolean Expression> ")" <Code Block>
<for> ::= "for(" <Assignment> ";" <Boolean Expression> ";" <Assignment> ")" <Code Block>
<print> ::= "print(" <Variable> ")"
<read> :: = "read(" <Variable> ")"