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First stab that seems to work to get the response matrix
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rappoccio committed Oct 31, 2013
1 parent d9a7468 commit 0e413f3
Showing 1 changed file with 193 additions and 21 deletions.
214 changes: 193 additions & 21 deletions EDSHyFT/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
import os
import glob
import time

def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :
minDR = 9999.
ret = -1
for jjet in range(0,len(hadJets) ):
if ijet == jjet :
dR = hadJets[ijet].DeltaR(hadJets[jjet])
if dR < minDR :
minDR = hadJets[ijet].DeltaR(hadJets[jjet])
ret = jjet
return ret

from optparse import OptionParser

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,9 +108,61 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :

if options.makeResponse :

# Define classes that use ROOT

def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :
minDR = 9999.
ret = -1
for jjet in range(0,len(hadJets) ):
if ijet == jjet :
dR = hadJets[ijet].DeltaR(hadJets[jjet])
if dR < minDR :
minDR = hadJets[ijet].DeltaR(hadJets[jjet])
ret = jjet
return ret

def findClosestInList( p41, p4list ) :
minDR = 9999.
ret = None
for j in range(0,len(p4list) ):
dR = p4list[ijet].DeltaR(p41)
if dR < minDR :
minDR = dR
ret = p4list[ijet]
return ret

class GenTopQuark :
pdgId = 6 # 6 = top, -6 = antitop
p4 = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
decay = 0 # 0 = hadronic, 1 = leptonic
def __init__( self, pdgId, p4, decay ) :
self.pdgId = pdgId
self.p4 = p4
self.decay = decay
def match( self, jets ) :
return findClosestInList( self.p4, jets )

import sys
from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle

start_time = time.time()

print 'Getting these files : ' + options.files

files = glob.glob( options.files )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,14 +304,14 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :
mWCandVsPtWCand = ROOT.TH2F("mWCandVsPtWCand", "Mass of W candidate versus p_{T} of W candidate", 100, 0, 1000, 20, 0, 200)
mWCandVsPtWCandMuCut = ROOT.TH2F("mWCandVsPtWCandMuCut", "Mass of W candidate versus p_{T} of W candidate", 100, 0, 1000, 20, 0, 200)

ptTopCand = ROOT.TH1F("ptTopCand", "WCand+bJet p_{T};p_{T} (GeV/c);Number", 250, 0., 1000.)
ptWFromTopCand = ROOT.TH1F("ptWFromTopCand", "WCand in Type-2 top cand p_{T};p_{T} (GeV/c);Number", 250, 0., 1000.)
ptbFromTopCand = ROOT.TH1F("ptbFromTopCand", "bCand in Type-2 top cand p_{T};p_{T} (GeV/c);Number", 250, 0., 1000.)

if options.makeResponse == True :
response = ROOT.RooUnfoldResponse(50, 300., 1300., 50, 300., 1300.)
response.SetName('response_pt' + str(ibin))
ptTopCand = ROOT.TH1F("ptTopCand", "WCand+bJet p_{T};p_{T} (GeV/c);Number", 250, 0., 1000.)
ptWFromTopCand = ROOT.TH1F("ptWFromTopCand", "WCand in Type-2 top cand p_{T};p_{T} (GeV/c);Number", 250, 0., 1000.)
ptbFromTopCand = ROOT.TH1F("ptbFromTopCand", "bCand in Type-2 top cand p_{T};p_{T} (GeV/c);Number", 250, 0., 1000.)

events = Events (files)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,18 +500,114 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :

#Require exactly one lepton (e or mu)
# Find the top and antitop quarks.
# We also need to find the decay mode of the top and antitop quarks.
# To do so, we look for leptons, and use their charge to assign
# the correct decay mode to the correct quark.
topQuarks = []
hadTop = None
lepTop = None
isSemiLeptonicGen = True
if options.makeResponse == True :
event.getByLabel( genParticlesPtLabel, genParticlesPtHandle )
event.getByLabel( genParticlesEtaLabel, genParticlesEtaHandle )
event.getByLabel( genParticlesPhiLabel, genParticlesPhiHandle )
event.getByLabel( genParticlesMassLabel, genParticlesMassHandle )
event.getByLabel( genParticlesPdgIdLabel, genParticlesPdgIdHandle )
event.getByLabel( genParticlesStatusLabel, genParticlesStatusHandle )

genParticlesPt = genParticlesPtHandle.product()
genParticlesEta = genParticlesEtaHandle.product()
genParticlesPhi = genParticlesPhiHandle.product()
genParticlesMass = genParticlesMassHandle.product()
genParticlesPdgId = genParticlesPdgIdHandle.product()
genParticlesStatus = genParticlesStatusHandle.product()

#print '------------'
p4Top = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
p4Antitop = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
topDecay = 0 # 0 = hadronic, 1 = leptonic
antitopDecay = 0 # 0 = hadronic, 1 = leptonic

for igen in xrange( len(genParticlesPt) ) :
#print '{0:6.0f} {1:6.0f} {2:6.2f}'.format( genParticlesPdgId[igen],
# genParticlesStatus[igen],
# genParticlesPt[igen] )
# Figure out the top vs antitop from charge of decay products.
# Need to know which is the hadronic one (top or antitop) to do unfolding

if genParticlesStatus[igen] != 3 :
if abs(genParticlesPdgId[igen]) < 6 :
if abs(genParticlesPdgId[igen]) > 16 :

if genParticlesStatus[igen] == 3 and genParticlesPdgId[igen] == 6 :
gen = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
gen.SetPtEtaPhiM( genParticlesPt[igen],
p4Top = gen
elif genParticlesStatus[igen] == 3 and genParticlesPdgId[igen] == -6 :
gen = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
gen.SetPtEtaPhiM( genParticlesPt[igen],
p4Antitop = gen
# If there is a lepton (e-, mu-, tau-) then the top is leptonic
elif genParticlesStatus[igen] == 3 and \
( genParticlesPdgId[igen] == -11 or genParticlesPdgId[igen] == -13 or genParticlesPdgId[igen] == -15) :
topDecay = 1
# If there is an antilepton (e+, mu+, tau+) then the antitop is leptonic
elif genParticlesStatus[igen] == 3 and \
( genParticlesPdgId[igen] == 11 or genParticlesPdgId[igen] == 13 or genParticlesPdgId[igen] == 15) :
antitopDecay = 1

#print 'I think the top quark decay mode is ' + str(topDecay)
topQuarks.append( GenTopQuark( 6, p4Top, topDecay) )
#print 'I think the top antiquark decay mode is ' + str(antitopDecay)
topQuarks.append( GenTopQuark( -6, p4Antitop, antitopDecay) )
if topDecay + antitopDecay == 1 :
isSemiLeptonicGen = True
else :
isSemiLeptonicGen = False

# If we are filling the response matrix, don't
# consider "volunteer" events that pass the selection
# even though they aren't really semileptonic events.
if isSemiLeptonicGen == False :

if topDecay == 0 :
hadTop = topQuarks[0]
lepTop = topQuarks[1]
else :
hadTop = topQuarks[1]
lepTop = topQuarks[0]

lepType = 0 # Let 0 = muon, 1 = electron
event.getByLabel (muonPtLabel, muonPtHandle)
if not muonPtHandle.isValid():
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )
muonPts = muonPtHandle.product()

if True :
event.getByLabel (muonPfisoLabel, muonPfisoHandle)
if not muonPfisoHandle.isValid():
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )
muonPfisos = muonPfisoHandle.product()

Expand All @@ -480,12 +618,16 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :
if options.useLoose :
# print 'imu = ' + str(imuonPt) + ', iso/pt = ' + str( muonPfisos[imuonPt] ) + '/' + str(muonPt) + ' = ' + str(muonPfisos[imuonPt]/muonPt)
if muonPfisos[imuonPt] / muonPt < 0.12 :
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )
else :
nMuonsVal += 1
lepType = 0
else :
if muonPfisos[imuonPt] / muonPt > 0.12 :
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )
nMuonsVal += 1
lepType = 0
Expand All @@ -512,7 +654,9 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :
topTagEta = topTagEtaHandle.product()
if not options.type2:
if len(topTagEta)<1:
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )
if options.etabin != 'all':
if options.etabin == 'range1':
if abs(topTagEta[0])>1.0:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -541,9 +685,13 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :

if not options.muOnly :
if nMuonsVal + nElectronsVal != 1 :
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )
else :
if nMuonsVal != 1:
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,6 +746,8 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :

# Require >= 2 AK5 jets above 30 GeV
if nJetsVal < 2 :
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )

htLep1.Fill( htLepVal,weight )
Expand All @@ -622,6 +772,8 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :
ntags += 1

if ntags < 1 :
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -710,6 +862,8 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :

if options.htCut is not None and ht < options.htCut :
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )

Expand All @@ -727,6 +881,8 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :

if len(lepJets) < 1:
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )

leptoppt = (metv+lepJets[0]+lepP4).Perp()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -828,6 +984,8 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :
if lepcsv > options.bDiscCut :
ntagslep += 1
if ntagslep<1:
if options.makeResponse == True :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), weight )

#print "weight " + str(weight)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -914,15 +1072,13 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :

passSelection = False
if (jet.DeltaR( lepP4) > ROOT.TMath.Pi() / 2.0) :
if (topTagPt[ijet] > 400.):
if (topTagPt[ijet] > 250.):


if topTagNSub[ijet] > 2:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -983,20 +1139,33 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :


passSelection = True

if TauDisc<0.6:
BDMax = max(Topsj0BDiscCSV[ijet],Topsj1BDiscCSV[ijet],Topsj2BDiscCSV[ijet])
if BDMax>0.679:
if options.makeResponse == True :
if passSelection == True :
response.Fill( topTagPt[ijet], hadTop.p4.Perp(), t1weight )
else :
response.Miss( hadTop.p4.Perp(), t1weight )

print 'Total Events: ' + str(count)
print 'isvalid() cuts: ' + str(mptv)
print 'percent cuts: ' + str((100*mptv)/count)+'%'

if options.makeResponse :



if options.printEvents :
Expand All @@ -1023,3 +1192,6 @@ def findClosestJet( ijet, hadJets ) :
print '{0:12.0f}:{1:12.0f}:{2:12.0f}'.format(
goodEvent[0], goodEvent[1], goodEvent[2]

print "Total time = " + str( time.time() - start_time) + " seconds"

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